
Decide Your Healthy Lifestyle Now

t’s time to put your resolution for a more healthy lifestyle into action. While many resolutions fall by the wayside within months, this resolution doesn’t have to! Let's take a look at your resolution to see if you've set yourself up for success in reaching your goals.
Make a realistic plan.
Have you put together an action plan that will fit into your lifestyle? Be sure the changes you make are easy and convenient so you don't have to restructure your whole schedule to accommodate them.

Make a specific action plan.
A specific plan is much easier to follow than an undefined one. Instead of telling yourself, "I want to lose 10 pounds," jot down a plan on how you will shed those unwanted pounds. A specific action plan will guide you toward your goal. If you decide to exercise more, define it further such as "I will attend the Step class at the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:00 pm."

Evaluate "why" you want to change.
Permanent change comes strictly from within you! A change in behavior just to please others will not create a permanent lifestyle change, you must be true to yourself. The decision to lead a healthy lifestyle needs to be your own, personal decision in order for it to be a positive experience. A positive change that comes from within contributes to motivation, adherence, and belief in reaching a goal. If you have made the decision to be healthier because someone else wants you to, chances are good that you've set yourself up for failure.

Take inventory.
In a journal, jot down your goals and priorities (remember to be realistic!) A journal provides a "reality check" on paper because you can refer back to it. If you find your goals and/or priorities need adjustment, do it! When you attain specific goals, celebrate yourself for a job well done. Replace your attained goals with new ones. You will soon begin to witness your successes not only physically and psychologically, but you'll have them on paper to read whenever you need a lift. Your journal can be a great source of inspiration!

Use your creativity.
Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you are destined to live in the gym and eat tofu! Your goal can be incorporated into many other aspects of your life. This incorporation is one of the keys to success! Do you need to spend more time with your children? Try playing with them for an hour or taking a bike ride with them. Children are very active, if you can keep up with them in their activities, chances are you'll get a good workout! If your nutritional habits need changing, let the whole family join in on the benefits. Family meals can be low-fat, creative, and tasty at the same time! Experiment with different recipes using the foods your family enjoys.

Plan for set-backs.
Sometimes obstacles are just a part of life. There are a variety of things that may pop up to interrupt your progress, sickness, stress, shortage of time, lack of motivation, etc. Roll with the punches and plan for these unexpected set-backs. Don't get discouraged. What's important is how you deal with the situation. Just because you miss a couple of workouts or go out for pizza with the family doesn't mean you've failhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.bold.gifed. All you need to do is the very best you can and get back on track as soon as possible. Don't beat yourself up! Instead, examine the situation carefully, make changes if needed and keep consistently striving for your goal!

Educate yourself.
You know the 'ole saying, "knowledge is power!" Knowledge gives you the power to make informed decisions about your healthy lifestyle. Explore your local library and read books, magazines, and journals that will teach you about proper nutrition and exercise. Not only will this education provide you with sound advice, it will help keep you motivated!

Build a support system.
A fitness partner is truly a wonderful means of motivation. Based on your personal requirements, find one person or a group of people that share your goals. If possible, include your family members, they can support your efforts in integrating your healthy lifestyle into your daily life.

Consult your doctor.
Talk with your doctor prior to beginning any exercise program. This is very important especially if you have never worked out before or are returning from a long hiatus. Heed the recommendations of your physician.

The most important thing to remember is-- have fun! A commitment to a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be boring or make you feel deprived. Take the time to look for successes, even small ones. Then, give yourself a big pat on the back for making progress. Remember, this is a life-long endeavor and changes don't happen overnight. You'll soon realize however, there's nothing more powerful than the feeling of good health!

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Obesity and Overweight Cost

The economic impact of obesity and overweight population in terms of illness, diseases and lost productivity is significant. Obesity and overweight statistics below include cost information on cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension, gallbladder disease, and lost productivity.
Overweight and obesity costs total $117 billion in the United States. Direct cost is $61 billion. Indirect cost is $56 billion...

Direct costs include the cost of physicians and other professionals, hospital and nursing home services, the cost of medications, home health care and other medical durables. Indirect costs include lost productivity that results from illness and death.

Cancer costs related to overweight and obesity:
Breast cancer: Total cost: $2.9 billion, Direct cost: $1.1 billion, Indirect cost: $1.8 billion
Endometrial cancer: Total cost: $933 million, Direct cost: $310 million, Indirect cost: $623 million
Colon cancer: Total cost: $3.5 billion, Direct cost: $1.3 billion, Indirect cost: $2.2 billion

Type 2 diabetes costs related to overweight and obesity: cost is $98 billion (total).

Osteoarthritis costs related to overweight and obesity: Total cost is $21.2 billion. Direct cost is $5.3 billion. Indirect cost is $15.9.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) costs related to overweight and obesity: Direct cost $4.1 (17 percent of the total cost of hypertension).

Gallbladder disease costs related to overweight and obesity: Total cost: $3.4 billion, Direct cost: $3.2 billion, Indirect cost: $187 million.

Lost productivity costs related to obesity (BMI > 30) among Americans ages 17-64 is $3.9 billion. This value considers the following annual numbers (for 1994):

-Workdays lost related to obesity: 39.3 million
-Physician office visits related to obesity: 62.7 million
-Restricted activity days related to obesity: 239.0 million
-Bed-days related to obesity: 89.5 million

Less than one-third (31.8 percent) of U.S. adults get regular leisure-time physical activity (defined as light or moderate activity five times or more per week for 30 minutes or more each time and/or vigorous activity three times or more per week for 20 minutes or more each time). About 10 percent of adults do no physical activity at all in their leisure time.

About 25 percent of young people (ages 12-21 years) participate in light to moderate activity (e.g., walking, bicycling) nearly every day. About 50 percent regularly engage in vigorous physical activity. Approximately 25 percent report no vigorous physical activity, and 14 percent report no recent vigorous or light to moderate physical activity

Direct costs of physical inactivity are estimated at over $24 billion

Sources include: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), American Heart Association, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

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How to Control body Weight with a Physical Activity

Exercise helps to control your weight by using excess calories that otherwise would be stored as fat. your body weight is regulated by the number of calories you eat and use each day. Everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do uses calories, including sleeping, breathing, and digesting food. Any physical activity in addition to what you normally do will use extra calories...

Regular exercise is an important part of effective weight loss and weight maintenance. It also can help prevent several diseases and improve your overall health. It does not matter what type of physical activity you perform--sports, planned exercise, household chores, yard work, or work-related tasks--all are beneficial

Studies show that even the most inactive people can gain significant health benefits if they accumulate 30 minutes or more of physical activity per day. Research consistently shows that regular physical activity, combined with healthy eating habits, is the most efficient and healthful way to control your weight. Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain it, you should understand the important role of physical activity and include it in your lifestyle.

Balancing the calories you use through physical activity with the calories you eat will help you achieve your desired weight

a) When you eat more calories than you need to perform your day's activities, your body stores the extra calories and you gain weight

b) When you eat fewer calories than you use, your body uses the stored calories and you lose weight.

c) When you eat the same amount of calories as your body uses, your weight stays the same.
Any type of physical activity you choose to do--strenuous activities such as running or aerobic dancing or moderate-intensity activities such as walking or household work--will increase the number of calories your body uses. The key to successful weight control and improved overall health is making physical activity a part of your daily routine.

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Benefit of Regular Exercises

Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can improve your mood and help you to better manage stress.

For the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week. However, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.

If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually do more strenuous activity...

How Physical Activity Impacts Health
Regular physical activity that is performed on most days of the week reduces the risk of developing or dying from some of the leading causes of illness and death in the United States.

• Reduces the risk of dying prematurely.
• Reduces the risk of dying prematurely from heart disease.
• Reduces the risk of developing diabetes.
• Reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure.
• Helps reduce blood pressure in people who already have high blood pressure.
• Reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.
• Reduces feelings of depression and anxiety.
• Helps control weight.
• Helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints.
• Helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling.
• Promotes psychological well-being.

Specific Health Benefits of Exercise

Heart Disease and Stroke. Daily physical activity can help prevent heart disease and stroke by strengthening your heart muscle, lowering your blood pressure, raising your high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels (good cholesterol) and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels (bad cholesterol), improving blood flow, and increasing your heart's working capacity.

High Blood Pressure. Regular physical activity can reduce blood pressure in those with high blood pressure levels. Physical activity also reduces body fatness, which is associated with high blood pressure.

Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes. By reducing body fatness, physical activity can help to prevent and control this type of diabetes.

Obesity. Physical activity helps to reduce body fat by building or preserving muscle mass and improving the body's ability to use calories. When physical activity is combined with proper nutrition, it can help control weight and prevent obesity, a major risk factor for many diseases.

Back Pain. By increasing muscle strength and endurance and improving flexibility and posture, regular exercise helps to prevent back pain.

Osteoporosis. Regular weight-bearing exercise promotes bone formation and may prevent many forms of bone loss associated with aging.

Psychological Effects. Regular physical activity can improve your mood and the way you feel about yourself. Researchers also have found that exercise is likely to reduce depression and anxiety and help you to better manage stress.

Millions of Americans suffer from illnesses that can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity.

• 13.5 million people have coronary heart disease.
• 1.5 million people suffer from a heart attack in a given year.
• 8 million people have adult-onset (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes.
• 95,000 people are newly diagnosed with colon cancer each year.
• 250,000 people suffer from a hip fractures each year.
• 50 million people have high blood pressure.
• Over 60 million people (a third of the population) are overweight.

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Body Image of Women

Many women struggle with the gap between how their bodies look to them when compared with the projected "ideal" that bombards them continually through television, film, magazines, and billboards. Eating disorders, dieting, and diet aids are often the "answer" chosen to try to remould their bodies to meet the standards of society's "ideal"....

To really tune into her body, a womyn needs to shift her focus away from what society is telling her to look like. As Gloria Steinem so eloquently said, "Change the self-consciousness of a spotlight on the body for the self - confidence of a light radiating from the body". (Revolution from Within, 1996, pg. 224.)

Your daily experience of your physical body is intimately connected with your ideas and beliefs about your worth and personal value. You inwardly form your body image in line with your beliefs, ideas, and thoughts.Quite literally, you live and perceive in the body of your chosen beliefs. By working with your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, you can reshape your body and restructure your body image.

The first thing you should do for your body, is to feed it a regular diet of nurturing positivity. Learn to really tune into the uniqueness of your body. Being oneself is a rare and challenging path to tred. DynoWomyn have learned to live outside of society's stereotypes of womyn, and have discarded the old worn - out attitudes of what womyn should be like.

Look very hard at what and who you'd really like to be - deep down in your heart and soul. There is Truth in this inner vision. Write down how you'd truly like your body to look, to feel, to act, and to move. The feminine or receptive way of changing your body image is to attract to you, what you really want. Once you know clearly what is best for YOU, learn to assert yourself consistently in your life. Really BE in your body - feel it, savor it, love it, use it to express your inner self.

Your body is a very sensitive instrument - sensitive to the thoughts, emotions, and words that you express through it. In metaphysical studies, your body is surrounded by several subtle or energy "bodies", - layers of energy that radiate from your thoughts, emotions, Spirit and Soul. One of these layers, called the etheric body serves as your perfect energy template through which your body continously renews itself. When the body image that you have of yourself in your mind, matches this etheric template, your body is guided to grow according to your own unique, dynamic pattern. If your mind's image of your body is not in tune with your etheric template, you'll likely feel alienated from your body, out of tune with it, and feel ashamed of parts of it. By tuning into your perfect template, you'll learn to no longer compare your body to the stereotypic standards supported by the status quo.

Connect your mental body image with your perfect etheric template. Your physical body recreates itself daily, around your chosen body image - it can be influenced by your mind, your thoughts and beliefs. When you are able to transform the mental image of who you are, your body will learn to shape itself in that new image.

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Meditations and The Spritual Power

The power of spiritual development meditations have many aspects that help us. The way we open ourselves up to get clear and precise messages during a guided meditation is to open our chakras. In the process of opening our chakras we are increasing the vibration and level of energy with in our bodies. As we increase the energy and level of vibration during our meditation exercises this has a healing affect on us...

This is because when our chakra are at there normal state they may be holding on to emotions or blockages that need to be dealt with. When the chakra are open and there is an increased flow of energy through the chakra it is a cleaning and cleansing process that we are going through. During this process we will often be shown what our blocks are and what we can do to help our selves.

In this day and age we find that people are always busy. If they aren’t working they are watching television or on the internet. Our lives are so busy that our brains overload and even in our sleep state we find it hard to calm down and to give ourselves a break. During a psychic meditation your brain is being given the direction it has to go. You do not have to think at all, just allow thought to come to you. This is like giving your brain a vacation! Taking away your need to think about everything gives your brain the break you need to reboot where you are not responsible for what comes through your mind, but know that it is for the highest of good. Guided meditation is a very good way to start your meditation process because often when we meditate to find total calm and quiet within ourselves we find it very difficult to slow down our minds and to accept the state our mind is in. For instance, we hear all the little noises and they disturb us. With a guided spiritual development meditation you are supposed to be listening to a voice and you find it very easy to accept what you are given. Removing the responsibility of your own thoughts, but learning to accept the inner voices that are there to guide you and help you along the way,

In conclusion, spiritual development meditations are a fantastic, powerful method of helping you to clear your negativity and to reboot your brain, on occasion, to help you move forward within your life. Having said this, the biggest self gain will probably be the belief that there is more to the universe than just the earth plain because you will find your link to the spirit world

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How to Manage Your Depression

Please note that not every technique will work for everyone. Every person will have some that work for them and some that don’t. Once you have found techniques that work for you, it can be helpful to write them up, or type them and print them out, and keep them handy to ensure you'll use them when you need them.

The main concept to understand is that when you are feeling a lot of emotion, you are functioning from the right side of your brain where your negative emotional centre lies. It is commonly noted in psychology that when you are trapped, in a way, on the right side of your brain, your left side is functioning at a lower capacity. The left side of your brain is thought to be the rational or logical side of the brain. It is therefore helpful to get your left side more activated, but sometimes it needs some help during emotionally charged times. There are many ways to do this, but again, find the strategies that work for you.
The Strategies are:..

Shifting your focus away from the emotion and back to your body can be very useful. This can be done by tapping your feet back and forth and really feeling how your feet connect with the floor.

Another way to shift the focus back to the body is to notice how your body feels on the chair you are sitting in. Notice your back on the back of the chair, your arms on the arm of the chair, your legs, and how your hands are placed.

Next, notice your breath. Long deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth if you can. Really feel the breath going into the body. Breath is very life sustaining and supportive – it is a very good thing to connect with at times of feeling emotionally upset. This can help ground and soothe the body and shift your focus away from an upsetting emotion.

Now, the counseling modality I use most of in my practice is something called EMDR (which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing). You can read some information about EMDR if you click on the tap in the menu bar of the website. Some of the grounding strategies I am including here are the tools I use to end sessions with clients so that things are not left open and my clients can get home safely, go back to work, or whatever it that they need to do that day.

The most important of these tools sounds very simple but it is very effective. All you have to do is move your eyes up and down in a vertical line. No need to move your head, just your eyes. Turning your body to face a doorframe or the corner of a room can help. You can think of a metaphorical door in your mind closing your emotional self and centering the body.

Becoming more aware of your physical surroundings can help shift your awareness and activate the left side of the brain. This can be done through naming objects you see in the room around you, naming colours that you see, as well and sounds that you hear.

Another way to get both sides of your brain working if you are feeling a strong emotion is to access them both at the same time. This an be done by looking at a piece of art such as a painting or a sculpture – not a photograph though - and count at the same time. You do not need to analyze the art. Just by looking at it, the right side of your brain is accessed. By counting (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 – as far up as you need to go), you activate the left side of the brain. If you are aware of a feeling and do these two things together, the feeling should dissipate.

Going for a walk, or other physical activity, can help the body feel better and help release the emotion. I strongly believe in the term “walk it off”.

Reading is something that many people do to take their minds off their worries. Some sort of distraction can help shift your focus away from the emotion.

Cooking can be another good, healthy distraction. By the way, eating healthily and getting some exercise are two of the best things you can do for depression.

Journalling, or writing, is very helpful for some to help you handle an emotionally charged situation. It helps give clarity to thoughts and allows for some distance from them by looking at them. Some people find writing very therapeutic. If it is not the right thing for you, that is okay. Keep in mind, you do not always have to go back and read what you wrote. Sometimes its just nice to have a place to get it out in the moment.

Other creative outlets are very helpful as well. Doing some art – which does not have to look like anything – helps get emotion out. This is a similar idea to journalling. What colour would anger be? What would it look like?

If you are able to do some art and give your thoughts or feelings some creative expression, follow-up with some good self-care like a nice bath, a walk, or a warm drink.

The ‘Container’ is a very common therapeutic tool. To some, the concept of the container might not sound very useful, but when practiced and developed, it does wonders for helping set emotions, upsetting thoughts, or memories aside when it is not a good time to be aware of them.

The container is about using imagery, or the power of you imagination (your mind) to help you when you need it. Our minds are pretty powerful so I encourage you to give this one a shot and see how it goes. When I first heard of this exercise, I also did not think it would be helpful. Was I ever wrong. Even last week on the street I had a member of a group I had run come up to me and tell me how helpful the container is and expressed, “Its just great.”

The container is about imagining some sort of container that is big enough, and strong enough, to hold whatever you might ever need to put in it. One stipulation is that it shouldn’t be something that you see all the time in your day as you may be getting a constant reminder of what you are trying to forget (for the time-being). It can be made of any material and can be any colour. It needs some sort of door or lid to keep what ever you put in there safe inside. It may need a lock of some sort. Examples could be a warehouse, a safe or vault, a big box, or plastic container.

To use, or access, your container when you need it, it is helpful to have a really clear picture of it first (drawing it can help). You might picture the items you would like to go into your container individually being placed inside. You might just get a felt sense of it being set aside and placed into the container. Some people like to have some sort of animation to help take the items into the container such as a pack man motion or some sort of suction.

Now, an important idea pertaining to the Container is that you are not trying to make the things you place into it disappear or say that they are not important. It is about setting things aside and coming back to them at a later time when you can better deal with them such as in counselling, talking to a friend, or journalling about it at home.

Sometimes it is helpful to have some sort of nozzle or valve on the container so that you can more easily be in control of what comes out when it is time to take something out.

The Safe Place is another very common therapeutic strategy and is a very useful tool for many. I originally learned of the ‘safe place’ in relation to working with sexual abuse survivors. However, as the years have progressed, I have found that this tool is very useful for anyone. Again, this strategy utilizes our minds by using imagery to help calm the body and the mind. The safe place works by closing your eyes and imagining yourself in a place (which can be real or imaginary). It can be any place at all that you find soothing and comforting. Some people call this place a relaxation place or a happy place. It is helpful if there are not people who are currently a part of your life in your safe place because if that relationship were to ever go sour for a time, it would affect your safe place.

The safe place can be somewhere you have been, a place that you liked when you were a kid, a place you have always dreamed of going, or an imaginary place such as somewhere in outer space. It is helpful to notice all the colours that are there, the sounds, the objects. The clearer the image is for you, it will easier it will be for you to access it and to use it when you need it.

Imagine yourself in this place and notice how it makes you feel. Do you feel calm, more relaxed, at peace? Whatever the feeling is, notice also where you can feel it in your body. Allow yourself to stay there as long as you need to calm yourself.

Anther strategy to help alleviate emotional distress is the Spiral Technique. For this exercise, allow yourself to feel the emotion and close your eyes. Which direction would the spiral be turning? Ok, now change the direction – this will decrease the intensity of the emotion. Try practicing it and see if you can have work for you.

Practicing something referred to as ‘Dual Awareness’ can really help get you through when nothing else seems to be helping. For this concept, it is helpful to note that the emotion is caused from a past experience. However, you are feeling that past experience being triggered in the present. Be aware of these 2 things at the same time: the emotion being connected to a past experience and yourself in your present surroundings. Tell yourself, “I can allow myself to know I am okay right now”. The feeling will eventually pass – your body will take care of it in its own in time. It will not last forever. Sometimes you might feel as if you just need to hang on. Find something to help you connect with your current surroundings.

Design your surroundings so that they reflect calm and relaxation. Your surrounds can greatly affect your mood. Soothing pictures, some spiritual objects, or other calming objects help create an atmosphere of better emotional health.

Spend time talking to friends when you can. Be aware of their boundaries so that you do not go too far with pushing limits. It is important to share with people who will be understanding and supportive.

When dealing with issues of anger, there are healthy ways to process it. Anger has a lot of energy to it and wants to have a physical way to get out of your system. Going to the gym, for a walk, or for a run can help. Screaming into or punching pillows can also help. Stress balls are good as well. Find a healthy way to get the energy out. Anger serves a purpose of letting us know that something needs to be different but, just as it can be done with other emotions, anger too can find a positive outlet.

Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic product that is becoming more and more common as it is helpful to calm your nerves. You might give this a try and carry it around with you if you find it helpful. It can be found at many health food stores.

If spirituality is important to you, you can get in tune with your body at times of feeling emotional upset by visualizing your chakra system and aligning the chakras. Be aware of centering the body along this system. Finding other spiritual beliefs or outlets can help as well.

It is important to remember that practicing these tools will help. Repetition is the best way to learn something new. Also, please keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list. There are many ways to ground and self-soothe during times of emotional upset.

In closing, I would like to mention that something I try to encourage to all of my clients and to others in my life as well, is to always attempt to have good self-care. Taking care of what you eat, how much sleep you are getting, limiting the amount of caffeine is in your diet, and getting some exercise will go a long way to helping your body take care of you and help support you better during times of emotional upset.

I hope some of the things on this list will help you.

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Nutrition ForAthlete

These are my top choices for nutrient rich, high carb energy sources (Grains/Breads/Syrups) for an Athlete include:

Quinoa, Organic Pancakes, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Wild Honey, Agave Nectar, Organic Sprouted Breads(flax, spelt, essene) with Organic Jellies, Organic Pasta (Quinoa, Spelt), Hammer Nutrition Organic Bars, and Organic Brown rice.

My top choices for Fruits and berry carbohydrates are:

(Fruits- Grapes with seeds, Apples, Pears, Pineapple, Bananas, Watermelon, Mangos, Oranges and Dates. "Vegetable" fruits including tomatoes, peppers and Cucumbers), (Berries - Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Incan Berries and Goji Berries) ....

My top choices for powders, shakes and gels are (Sport drink powders - Hammer Nutrition Heed and Sustained Energy and Carbo Pro, (Shakes - Isagenix Products (Isalean, IsaCrunch , IsaPro, Ionix Supreme, Sun is everything superfood and cacao powder ), (Gels - Hammer Gels and Organic Clif shots).

For Greens and Sprouts I recommend (Kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Mesclun Greens, Romaine lettuce, Celery, Pea Sprouts, Broccoli Sprouts, Sunflower Sprouts, Dulse and Kelp).

These are my choices for clean non animal protein energy sources (Hemp seeds and hemp protein, Whey Protein, Rice Protein, Vegetable Proteins (kale, Spinach, Broccoli, Sprouts), Wheat Grass, Spirulina, Chlorella, Blue Green Algae, Quinoa, Spelt, Millet, Bee pollen, Organic Eggs (for semi-vegetarians), Wild Caught (Not Farm Raised) Salmon, Cod, or Halibut or tilapia fish (for semi-vegetarians), Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Uncooked Cashews, Organic beans and Goji Berries). Good choices for Fat Energy Sources include (Flax Seed. Olive oil, Flax Oil, Krill Oil, Hemp Seed Oil, Almond Oil, Avocado Oil, Avocados, Coconut Oil, Almonds, Organic Peanut Butter).

Now here are some of the other secret gems of health and nutrition which many high level nutritionist and wellness professionals have taught me about. A lot of these are not as well known simply because they are not in the mainstream media. You have to go out and seek out this kind of information about superfoods because it is not sold in most supermarkets therefore the average athlete is left out.

Other additions to your "Super" Athletic Diet (Some have been mentioned above and recategorized here) (Superfoods -Spirulina, Chlorella, Cacao Powder, Goji berries, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass, Coconut Oil, Bee Pollen, Maca Powder, and Hemp Seed) ,(Super Juices - Goji Juice, Acai juice, Mangosteen juice, Noni Juice, Aloe Vera Juice) , (SuperHerbs - Cats Claw, Reishi Mushroom, Garlic, Ginseng, Turmeric, Oregano, Parsley, Cayenne Pepper, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Cinnamon, Vanilla, Ginger),(Other Super Additions - Probiotics and Enzyme blends, Fiber such as Psyllium, Oats, Acacia gum, flax, hemp),(Omega 3's such as Flax Seed, Hemp seed oil, Avocados, Almonds) ,Green Tea, Echinacea Tea, Ginseng tea, Milk Thistle tea, Yerba Mate and Dandelion Root tea. Teas are for cleansing, immune system support, and antioxidant support. Supplement/Other Energy Sources which I have used are (Creatine - helps supply energy to muscles and nerve cells), (Glutamine - Recovery Aid, Muscle Promoter, Highly Absorbable Protein), (L-Carnitine - Helps metabolize fats into the mitochondria), (D-Ribose - Aids in the generation of positive ATP levels), and (CoQ10 - Primarily responsible for creating ATP (energy from our cells) in the Mitochondria).

There are many natural anti-nflammatories that athletes should use including (Quercitin, Vitamin D,Green Tea,Omega 3's,Organic Ginger (either raw or powdered),Organic MSM (About 5 grams),Enzymes (capsule form should include Bromelain and Papain),Omega 3's and 6's (1 ounce cold oil or ground flaxseed),Agave Nectar ,Organic garlic (1 clove or sprinkle from a jar),Vitamin C (Either 2 or 3 capsules ground in a blender from a whole food source or Potent C Guard) ,Willow Bark (similar to aspirin),Turmeric,Glucosamine,Resveratrol (Grapes) and Aloe Vera.

I have written other articles specifically about some of the herbs and superfoods listed above. It is difficult for most people to start to consume all of the above foods. What I did was first educate myself about them, then introduce them slowly to see which ones I liked and didn't like. Once you find the few superfoods that agree with you, I believe you certainly are headed in a new direction towards "Xtreme Health".

Once you have a list of "What" to eat you then have the questions of When and how much. Most endurance nutrition resources I have come across seem to equate body weight with how many grams of protein, carbs, and fats should be taken before during and after exercise. The amount of grams that your body requires is dependent on several factors:

1) The cycle of training you are in (Base Training, Build Training, Peak Training, Recovery Training or transition (end of season) training
2) The type of training you are doing
3) The intensity of the training you are doing
4) Your own metabolic make-up (Women, Man) (Good Digestive Health, Poor Digestive Health)(Resting Metabolic rates)
5) Weight loss goals of the individual

How Much to eat?

The factors included above determine your Daily energy expenditure. If you did not exercise at all and just lay in a bed breathing all day your body would burn a certain amount of calories. This is probably somewhere between 1500 and 2100 calories per day. There are 3500 calories in a pound.

Depending on your weight and the type and intensity of activity you are participating in you will burn anywhere from 5 to 30 calories a minute. For instance a 150 pound runner running at a 8.35 minute per mile pace will burn approximately 12.8 calories per minute.

By determining your Resting Metabolic Rate and factoring in the intensity and type of training you are doing you can then begin to formulate a Daily Caloric Expenditure to ensure you are taking in the optimum amount of calories. If the athlete desires to lose weight they should do so cautiously because you want to be able to restore liver and muscle glycogen levels as well as blood glucose levels for your next training session. However it can be done as long as it is done during the base, recovery and transition periods. What I have done with success is a 200 to 400 calorie deficit a day which will give you 1400 to 2800 calories burned per week. This is about 1.5 pounds every 2 weeks of weight loss.

There has been many myths about protein, carb and fat diets and the proportion of which you need to take for weight loss or for muscle growth. I find a 50 to 65% Carbohydrate, 20 to 30% protein and 15 to 20% fat intake to be optimal for endurance athletes. So depending on your calorie requirements for the day, the amount of grams you take in from each category go up and down proportionally. It is important to note that during the different phases of training you will be training in different aerobic zones. For instance during base training you should be training in Zone 1, which is between 60 and 75% of your maximum heart rate. What your body uses for fuel in Zone 1 vs. Zone 4 which is 90 to 95% of your maximum heart rate differs tremendously. The percentages of fat, carbohydrates and protein that your body will burn depends on the level of activity. At rest you will burn 58% carbohydrates, 30% fat and 3% protein. At a mild intensity you will burn 49% carbohydrates, 49% fat and 2% protein and at a high intensity you will burn 75% carbohydrates, 17% fat and 8% protein.

There are a few items are worth noting. One is that your body burns proteins all the time. It is for this reason that the lack of muscle building and strength training has the tendency to contribute to loss of muscle mass and therefore lowers the metabolism over time. Also, your body actually burns more fat during the base or mild intensity phase of your training. We can also see that carbohydrates are the main source of energy during high intensity workouts such as 5k races. In fact muscle glycogen depletion could happen as fast as 50 to 60 minutes instead of the common rule of thumb of 90 minutes during Zone 3 to Zone 4 type of training and exercise.

The amount of grams of each macronutrient (protein, fat, carbohydrate) you need to take in during a particular day depends on whether you have 1 or 2 workouts in a day and you have to take into consideration pre-excerise race meals, during exercise refueling, and post exercise/race recovery as well as the calories you may consume for dinner (night before races), lunches, snacks etc. For instance for 3 to 4 hours of high intensity training you will need about 4.5 to 5.5 grams of carbs for each pound of body weight for that day. For heavy training you need approximately .50 to .75 grams of protein per pound of body weight and about .50 to .55 grams of fat per pound of body weight.

Besides taken into consideration how much you are burning during your workouts perhaps more important is how much you could absorb. A simple sugar carbohydrate with a 6 to 8% solution mix isnot going to provide enough calories per hour. If you increase the solution density you have to drink more water in order to help the digestion process and this may lead to over hydration, cramping, and bloating.

Complex carbohydrate solutions are a little better because the 16 to 18% density of the solution matches the osmolality of the water digestion. I have always been at odds with all the solutions out there but have come to use more of the complex carbohydrate solutions and in fact make my own from coconut water, dates, and spirulina as much as possible because real food will ultimately be the greatest source of energy. It is extremely difficult for most athletes to mix there own home brewed sport drinks but if even one of your 28 oz bottles could be home brewed it could give you a huge edge in your fueling plan. Some companies such as hammer nutrition recommend about 240 to 280 calories per hour, 400 to 600 grams of sodium per hour and 16 to 28 oz of water per hour for a 165 lb athlete adjusted up or down slightly for weight differences.

When to Eat

Knowing when to eat can be tricky for most people because a lot depends on other things going on in your life. Most athletes including myself feel best before a long endurance workout eating 3 to 4 hours in advance. However this is not always possible. You should be eating about 300 grams of carbs the night befoe an event depending on weight. The morning of the event the closer you get to the start time you want to lower the fiber and protein and increase the carbohydrates and actually move towards liquid food as much as possible. It is suggested that the foods primarily in this article be the focus of your choices but occasionally when it is not feasible or affordable it is ok to use traditional sources of energy. However, just be aware that the organic and clean sources of energy will have the least amount of pollutants, pesticides, herbicides, foreign unrecognizable material from cooking, etc, for your body to have to use energy and figure out how to save you from death and store it in fat cells or move it as quickly as possible through the digestive and lymphatic system for removal from your body. You want your body to generate ATP not use fuel to get rid of toxins.

Fluid and electrolyte intake is extremely important if not the most important factor in refueling. Everyones body is different but your body needs to consume an amount equal to your sweat rate. This is different for everyone. However as a general rule you should drink approx half your weight in ounces per day on a normal low intensity day. During exercise between 16 and 28 ounces per hour is recommended. Be careful not to consume so much water that you have to eliminate water very often. If your body has too much water it will need to get rid of it and will take precious alkaline minerals with it. So moderate your water intake based on your daily activity and training sessions.

Electrolytes which are important are sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and manganese. Most sport drinks contain only 2 or 3 of these electrolytes but an electrolyte replacement that you could control such as endurolytes by Hammer Nutrition will allow you to have them with you at all times and you can consume them as prescribed. There are also some natural electrolytes which I consume in my water bottles. Coconut water is the most natural form of electrolyte on the planet. It mimics the bloods proportions of electrolytes perfectly. Having at least 1 water bottle on rides with coconut water is a great idea.

I have given a lot of information to get you started on the road towards organic nutrition and sports nutrition. You will be miles ahead so to speak of every athlete by experimenting with the foods in this article and best of all you will achieve great health as a critical side benefit. Health and Fitness are two different things and when you combine the two you are well on your way to achieving Xtreme health.

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Facing the Menopause Age

By this time in your life, you have accumulated an amazing amount of knowledge and experience about yourself. You have come to recognize what makes you feel good, what stresses you, and how to find some relief from pressure and strain. Mid-life brings the gift of wisdom and an awareness of who you are as a person.

The experience of menopause often helps women to deepen their awareness of their bodies, their emotions, and their needs. The physical changes that come with menopause create extra nutritional requirements. Nutrition and diet pointers are presented to help you choose the best diet for you. A diet that will help you move through menopause with energy and pep. A personal fitness regime will give you the stamina and flexibility you need to make this transition with assurance and comfort...

Menopause often triggers concerns about sexuality and desirability. Your sexual health is important, at any age. Set the stage for the kind of sexual contact that you desire, to provide you with confidence and a relaxed approach to intimacy. These three topics put together - nutrition, fitness, and sexuality provide a framework to help you to create your own recipe for personal rejuvenation. The Food Connection

Menopause is one of the most nutritionally challenging times in a woman’s life. Your informed food choices can have a positive effect on your well-being as you move through this natural change. To stay active, your body needs proper nourishment for a smooth hormonal transition and sufficient energy reserves. A well-rounded diet, with optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytoestrogens will lay the groundwork for a healthy adaptation to menopause. A balanced diet includes six basic nutrients. These are water, carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals.

In mid-life, the need for all essential nutrients is important. A healthy, balanced diet is the cornerstone of good health. Nutrition and exercise are key factors in preventing heart disease and osteoporosis. A plant-based diet, especially one that includes soy products is abundant in phytoestrogens which help to ease the symptoms of menopause and prevent cancer.

The general guidelines for nutrition during menopause is to choose a balanced diet using the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 1992 recommendations of:

1.Minimum 1,500 calories per day
2.Fats, oils, sweets - use sparingly
3.Milk, yogurt, cheese - 2 to 3 servings per day
4.Meat, Fish, poultry, Dry beans, Eggs - 2 to 3 servings per day
5.Vegetables - 3 to 5 servings per day
6.Fruits - 2 to 4 servings per day
7.Bread, cereal, rice, pasta - 6 to 11 servings per day
8.Eat a low fat, high fiber diet with plenty of whole grains, legumes, raw seeds and nuts, fruits, and vegetables.
9.Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens which are plant-derived estrogen-like compounds: Soybeans and soy products, apples,
carrots, yams, green beans, peas, pomegranates, potatoes, red beans, brown rice, whole wheat, rye, and sesame seeds,
legumes, flaxseed, and pumpkin seeds Phytoestrogens are weaker versions of human estrogen. There are over 300 plants
with estrogen-like activity, but soy bean products(such as tofu) are the highest. In countries like Japan and China where soy
beans are used daily, there are much lower breast cancer rates and symptoms of menopause are scant. Phytoestrogens can
provide an estrogen lift without increasing the risk of cancer as hormone replacement therapy frequently does.
Phytoestrogens also help reduce the thinning of the vaginal tissues which is often associated with menopause.
10.Eat foods high in Calcium: milk, yogurt, cheese, oysters, sardines, canned salmon with bones intact, dark green vegetables,
spinach, broccoli, and supplements as needed
11.Eat Folate rich foods for protection against heart disease: legumes, orange juice, green vegetables

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Nutrition Consumption in Preventing Osteoporosis

It is now a quite well known fact that a balanced diet can help you and your family prevent chronic disease. One of the most serious and damaging diseases that usually occurs in mid-life and in the elderly years is osteoporosis. This disease is more prevalent in women, but men do get it. Osteoporosis can be prevented or reduced significantly with balanced diet, regular exercise and fresh air, and a supportive social network...

The best form of calcium is food sources, simply because bone, like other tissues, requires balanced nutrition. In particular, milk is the best food source of vitamin D, a nutrient essential for normal calcium absorption and bone health. Milk and dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt and ice cream, contain the highest levels of calcium. Although many people tend to avoid milk because of its fat content, which might predispose them to heart disease, especially those with hypercholesterolemia, low-fat dairy products such as skim and 1% milk are safe and contain high levels of calcium.

Nondairy food sources of calcium generally contain much lower levels, but significant amounts occur in canned salmon and sardines when the bones are also eaten. Some green vegetables (such as kale, broccoli and spinach) as well as legumes (such as soybeans and common beans) have small amounts of calcium, but it is not easy to assimilate.

Vegetarians who do not consume milk products should take special care to ensure that they are receiving adequate amounts of calcium in their diets. Some people will find it hard to obtain the recommended amounts of dietary calcium through diet alone; for many, a combination of food sources and vitamin/mineral supplements is wise.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D are also needed for optimal calcium absorption and bone health. Although many families obtain sufficient vitamin D through the exposure to sunlight, adequate dietary sources of vitamin D are particularly important for elderly people or for those who use sun screen preparations routinely. A dietary intake of 400 to 800 IUDs is recommended for such people.

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Diet and High Protein

Protein is a vital nutrient, essential to your health. In its purest form, protein consists of chains of amino acids. There are 22 amino acids that combine to form different proteins, and 8 of these must come from the foods we eat. Our body uses these amino acids to create muscles, blood, skin, hair, nails and internal organs. Proteins help replace and form new tissue, transports oxygen and nutrients in our blood and cells, regulates the balance of water and acids, and is needed to make antibodies. However, too much of a good thing may not be so good for you. Many people are putting their health at risk by eating too much protein. ..

Excessive protein consumption, particularly animal protein, can result in heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and kidney stones. As important as protein is for our body, there are many misconceptions about how much we really need in our diet, and the best way to obtain it. The average American eats about twice as much protein than what is actually required. Some people, in the pursuit of thinness, are going on high-protein diets and are eating up to four times the amount of protein that their body needs. Protein deficiency is certainly not a problem in America. So exactly how much protein does your body really need? Much less than you think. According to the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health, as little as 50-60 grams of protein is enough for most adults. This breaks down to about 10-12% of total calories. Your body only needs .36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. To calculate the exact amount you need, multiply your ideal weight by .36. This will give you your optimum daily protein requirement in grams. Since the amount of protein needed depends on the amount of lean body mass and not fat, ideal weight is used instead of actual weight. Infants, children, pregnant and nursing women require more protein.
People on high-protein diets are consuming up to 34% of their total calories in the form of protein and up to 53% of total calories from fat. Most of these people are unaware of the amount of protein and fat that is contained in the foods they eat. For instance, a typical 3-ounce beef hamburger, which is small by American standards, contains about 22 grams of protein and 20 grams of fat. You achieve quick weight loss on these diets because of this high fat content. High fat foods give you the sensation of feeling full, faster, so you end up eating fewer total calories. However, this type of protein and fat combination is not the healthiest. Animal proteins are loaded with cholesterol and saturated fat. Many people on these diets also experience an elevation in their LDL (the bad) cholesterol when they remain on this diet for long periods. High levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood clog arteries and is the chief culprit in heart disease, particularly heart attack and stroke. So while you may lose weight in the short-run, you are putting your cardiovascular health in jeopardy in the long-run.

Another reason weight loss is achieved on these high-protein diets, at least temporarily, is actually due to water loss. The increase in the amount of protein consumed, especially from meat and dairy products, raises the levels of uric acid and urea in the blood. These are toxic by-products of protein breakdown and metabolism. The body eliminates this uric acid and urea by pumping lots of water into the kidneys and urinary tract to help it flush out. However, a detrimental side effect of this diuretic response is the loss of essential minerals from the body, including calcium. The high intake of protein leaches calcium from the bones, which leads to osteoporosis. Medical evidence shows that the body loses an average of 1.75 milligrams of calcium in the urine for every 1 gram increase in animal protein ingested. Additionally, as calcium and other minerals are leached from our bones, they are deposited in the kidneys and can form into painful kidney stones. If a kidney stone becomes large enough to cause a blockage, it stops the flow of urine from the kidney and must be removed by surgery or other methods.
Plant-based proteins, like that found in soy, lowers LDL cholesterol and raises HDL (the good) cholesterol. This prevents the build up of arterial plaque which leads to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease, thus reducing the risk heart attack and stroke. The amount and type of protein in your diet also has an important impact on calcium absorption and excretion. Vegetable-protein diets enhance calcium retention in the body and results in less excretion of calcium in the urine. This reduces the risk of osteoporosis and kidney problems. Interestingly, kidney disease is far less common in people who eat a vegetable-based diet than it is in people who eat an animal-based diet. By replacing animal protein with vegetable protein and replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat, like that found in olive and canola oils, you can avoid the pitfalls of the typical high-protein diet. You will be able to improve your health and regulate your weight while enjoying a vast array of delicious, nutritionally dense, high fiber foods. Remember, eat everything in moderation and nothing in excess. Also, the only healthy way to achieve permanent weight loss is to burn more calories than you take in. Anything else is just a gimmick.

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