
Decide Your Healthy Lifestyle Now

t’s time to put your resolution for a more healthy lifestyle into action. While many resolutions fall by the wayside within months, this resolution doesn’t have to! Let's take a look at your resolution to see if you've set yourself up for success in reaching your goals.
Make a realistic plan.
Have you put together an action plan that will fit into your lifestyle? Be sure the changes you make are easy and convenient so you don't have to restructure your whole schedule to accommodate them.

Make a specific action plan.
A specific plan is much easier to follow than an undefined one. Instead of telling yourself, "I want to lose 10 pounds," jot down a plan on how you will shed those unwanted pounds. A specific action plan will guide you toward your goal. If you decide to exercise more, define it further such as "I will attend the Step class at the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:00 pm."

Evaluate "why" you want to change.
Permanent change comes strictly from within you! A change in behavior just to please others will not create a permanent lifestyle change, you must be true to yourself. The decision to lead a healthy lifestyle needs to be your own, personal decision in order for it to be a positive experience. A positive change that comes from within contributes to motivation, adherence, and belief in reaching a goal. If you have made the decision to be healthier because someone else wants you to, chances are good that you've set yourself up for failure.

Take inventory.
In a journal, jot down your goals and priorities (remember to be realistic!) A journal provides a "reality check" on paper because you can refer back to it. If you find your goals and/or priorities need adjustment, do it! When you attain specific goals, celebrate yourself for a job well done. Replace your attained goals with new ones. You will soon begin to witness your successes not only physically and psychologically, but you'll have them on paper to read whenever you need a lift. Your journal can be a great source of inspiration!

Use your creativity.
Leading a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean you are destined to live in the gym and eat tofu! Your goal can be incorporated into many other aspects of your life. This incorporation is one of the keys to success! Do you need to spend more time with your children? Try playing with them for an hour or taking a bike ride with them. Children are very active, if you can keep up with them in their activities, chances are you'll get a good workout! If your nutritional habits need changing, let the whole family join in on the benefits. Family meals can be low-fat, creative, and tasty at the same time! Experiment with different recipes using the foods your family enjoys.

Plan for set-backs.
Sometimes obstacles are just a part of life. There are a variety of things that may pop up to interrupt your progress, sickness, stress, shortage of time, lack of motivation, etc. Roll with the punches and plan for these unexpected set-backs. Don't get discouraged. What's important is how you deal with the situation. Just because you miss a couple of workouts or go out for pizza with the family doesn't mean you've failhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.bold.gifed. All you need to do is the very best you can and get back on track as soon as possible. Don't beat yourself up! Instead, examine the situation carefully, make changes if needed and keep consistently striving for your goal!

Educate yourself.
You know the 'ole saying, "knowledge is power!" Knowledge gives you the power to make informed decisions about your healthy lifestyle. Explore your local library and read books, magazines, and journals that will teach you about proper nutrition and exercise. Not only will this education provide you with sound advice, it will help keep you motivated!

Build a support system.
A fitness partner is truly a wonderful means of motivation. Based on your personal requirements, find one person or a group of people that share your goals. If possible, include your family members, they can support your efforts in integrating your healthy lifestyle into your daily life.

Consult your doctor.
Talk with your doctor prior to beginning any exercise program. This is very important especially if you have never worked out before or are returning from a long hiatus. Heed the recommendations of your physician.

The most important thing to remember is-- have fun! A commitment to a healthy lifestyle shouldn't be boring or make you feel deprived. Take the time to look for successes, even small ones. Then, give yourself a big pat on the back for making progress. Remember, this is a life-long endeavor and changes don't happen overnight. You'll soon realize however, there's nothing more powerful than the feeling of good health!

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