
Another strategi to get a slim body

The Americans are aware of dependency: tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, amphetamines, prescription of pain and sleep. However, most of us is blind vis-à-vis this country the greatest dependence of any meal. The shocking truth is that a lot of weight to more people die from tobacco smoke.

Yes, food is an addiction - as we can all testify. Whether it be a physical, mental, emotional, packed and cultural, or all the drugs mentioned above makes no difference. We are linked, and that is why it is difficult to beat the high demand for the attraction that we are, no matter how we try to think or talk about us.

For some of us, that candy Woo, for others, is salt. It can be greasy, we chose chips, pop or regime swallow us. Seda bread, meat, the rules of referral to the cheese. Many tolerance Combo command and control. And do not forget, the devil himself today, a master of seduction, we weak in the knees and free of meaning… chocolate.

What asked what was taken hostage, these seven strategies can help to flee - is released, weight loss, disease prevention, building and health.

1 For your Hunger Drive

You can control hunger lead to lose and conservation of ideal weight - a mythical culture in May mantra believe. If it is unable to exercise its control of hunger and sell, when your desire, they feel themselves in low-lying, the willingness and self-control. Delete this myth of the brain. Your reader hunger can not be controlled. It is a natural instinct and, like all human instincts, which keeps you alive.

If you're thirsty, drink. If you fall asleep, you sleep. If you're hungry, you know what? You should eat. Just fill the right to food, hunger, which correspond to your drive (see the strategy No. 2). Hooray! You are now free to eat until you're full.

Do not forget to listen to your brain and the race to eat before your stomach is pity. And if you're still hungry, very hungry and need not only emotional comfort or to alleviate boredom, eat! What thunk? It starts to eat when hungry!

How request, triggered by hunger, book, if you stop to the war with your drive and hunger starts to the satisfaction of the farce on the best for food.
2 Sign up in the right type of carbohydrates

For all the carbohydrates of confusion, it is an obvious fact. All carbohydrates are not created. The good guys of all carbohydrates, fruit, raw vegetables and cereals (rice, bread not) and legumes, your thirst for unity, this lack of moderation. If one of your goodies, but poorly screams to you, if the mid-afternoon or evening, television, food and fill out the nature of most foodstuffs for the first place, and request by the gradual disappearance of desire.

NOTE: For the desire to disappear, enough to eat for better food for you really and truly complete.

3 Fossa Bad Boy-carbohydrate

On the other side of the bad boys to promote appetite. The gap between them. Scout and prohibit them from home, work and unity. As experience shows, more refining sugar, candies, biscuits, cakes, salted snacks, eating chocolate and you, you will get more. If your eyes are much easier to avoid.

The natural sugar and sodium (salt nature), ending a perfect nature, nutrient dense packing of fruits, vegetables and cereals and pulses is not greater is your ally in the fight successfully against the conquest and desire. If desire call, first make sure that the load of foodstuffs, particularly vegetables and whole fruit, so that these calls sabotage powerless.

4 Breakfast fruit grazing

The fruits of accelerating the freedom of appetite. The challenge is - enough to eat fruit one day, at the request of traditional food favorites on a leading role, and the centre. Instead of breakfast in the nature of carbohydrates bad-boy that trigger hunger hot (field of coarse grains, quick oats, brown and white toast, pancakes, Pop tarts, pastries), responsible for fat -- eggs and bacon, or simply a cup pick-me-up-then-crash-me-down, why not skip breakfast and the area to fill your stomach in the morning and with nature at the highest level, the lack Mills - fruit?

Make sure your reader hunger and enough to eat

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Different Herbs for Anxiety Treatment

Different Herbs for Anxiety Treatment
by: Greg Frost

Anxiety disorders are a common problem, affecting approximately 20 million adults and children in America. Anxiety is a common emotion consisting of uncertainty and worry faced by many, whilst anxiety disorders are when such fears are experienced irrationally. There are many treatments available, ranging from medication to therapy and alternative treatments. One treatment is through using natural herbal supplements.
Natural herbs are less costly than medication, and consist of herbs, vitamins and botanicals. They can be taken individually, or with other supplements, but it is best to first consult your doctor before deciding on natural herbs as a treatment for anxiety disorders. They also have the advantage of having no side effects, as compared to medications which can result in side effects such as nausea. Below are some common herbs used in anxiety disorders treatment.

1. Passion Flower

This is a natural plant that is used to treat anxiety, amongst other ailments. Its has unique calming properties, and can also reduce body tremors from fear. It promotes better sleep, and can act as a painkiller. It also contains anti depressants, and is used for high blood pressure and epilepsy.

2. Lavender

This is a more popular alternative than the passion flower, and is also known for its calming properties. It is also one of the more effective treatments for panic attacks, and is a tonic for the nervous system.

3. Lemon Balm

This is used to calm the digestive and nervous system, and also reduces blood pressure. It is uncertain if used alone, lemon balm is effective for treating anxiety attacks. It is usually taken with Valerian, Chamomile or Passion flower.

4. Kava

It is an effective tranquilizer, and whilst it is not an addictive substance, research suggests that it may be linked to liver problems.

5. Valerian

This is another natural plant used for treating anxiety. It also promotes better sleep, allowing for the body to rest and recuperate.

6. Chamomile

Chamomile flower leaves are used to make tea, and is a natural alternative for treating anxiety. It also reduces fever, encourages sleep and enhances the body’s metabolism.

7. Dandelion

The roots and leaves are used to treat the body’s internal systems, and through it, provide relief for some of the symptoms of anxiety. It is commonly used in salads and tea, and can also be used as a substitute for coffee.

There are many natural treatments available, and herbs have been used for treating illnesses for centuries. However, do keep in mind that it is not a quick fix, and can only alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attacks. It is advisable to seek out behavioral or cognitive therapy so as to eliminate the root of the problem causing anxiety attacks.

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How I Healed Myself from Fibromyalgia

How I Healed Myself from Fibromyalgia
by: Rebecca Hanson

Have you ever met a seven-headed dragon? Slaying it is nearly impossible, because as soon as you cut off one head two more grow in its place! I know this first-hand, because I fought with this dragon for 20 years until I found the chink in its armor and pierced its heart, once and for all...

Misdiagnosis Abounds

Like many sufferers of fibromyalgia, I was misdiagnosed for 15 years. Maybe it was because the condition has no specific or single cause, or because it has only recently (1990's) been recognized as a "legitimate" malady. As late as 1982, fibromyalgia was not even an entry in the doctors' standard clinical reference book, the Merck Manual. Over the years my doctors labeled my symptoms as: Chronic back pain (lower, mid and upper), frozen left shoulder (two and a half years), frozen right shoulder (one and a half years), plantar fasciitis, sleep disorder, restless leg syndrome—you get the picture. Finally, in 1997 I was given the label "fibromyalgia" and told that the only treatment was cortisone injections in every muscle where the pain was intolerable.

"Damn!" I thought, "That's a lot of needles!" Not willing to become a doctor's voodoo doll, I never went back to that doctor. Instead I turned to holistic approaches. I tried everything imaginable to "manage" my pain: excruciating deep muscle massage, strict diets, herbal remedies...I even tried a putrid brew concocted by a Chinese medicine doctor.

Admitting Defeat

After suffering for seven years under the futile belief that I could affect my own cure, I gave up. Admitting defeat, I found a new doctor and asked for help. His theory was that fibro is a disease linked to depression. So along with a non-steroid medication for pain, he prescribed an anti-depressant and a sleeping pill. These seemed to take the edge off the pain for a while.

I was "managing" my pain, pretty well until 2005 when I was crushed by trigeminal neuralgia. Excruciating pain exploded across the right side of my face—encompassing the jaw, cheek bone and temple and behind my ear. It was debilitating! I could do nothing but lie as still as possible with ice packs. Aspirin with codeine did not begin to touch the pain. I thought it might be a tooth, but the x-ray did not reveal anything for the dentist to deal with. I was sent to a neurologist who quite rudely told me, "You'd better hope it is a tooth because it's not worth cracking your head open to fix this." The trigeminal nerve does not originate in the spine, but at the base of the brain!

Gadz! I was a mess! So, my family doc prescribed an antiseizure drug in the hope it would block the perception of pain. As I was leaving his office, he said (rather off-the-cuff), "It might help with the fibromyalgia too."

A month later I was undergoing a root canal which eventually cleared up the facial neuralgia, but I stayed on the antiseizure medication because it did take a further "edge" off the fibromyalgia.

At the same time all this was happening, I was running two companies, TeleClass International and the Law of Attraction Training Center. I was happily turning every aspect of my life around and experiencing success and joy in everything I did—except THIS. I figured I just had to accept THIS as "the way it is."

I was beaten down and felt there was just nothing else I could do about it. Of course, my body was continuing to deteriorate under the unrelenting pain.

Body/Mind Connection

My businesses started to suffer also and I decided to hire a business coach. On the intake form, under the heading of Health I wrote: "Ok, I wasn't going to address this, but if it shows up as dramatically as it has this week, then I won't ignore it. I was thrown flat on my back with a muscle spasm around my entire chest. The spasm was continuous for four days." My coach wrote back, "You are pushing very hard on yourself. Nothing wrong with that, except your body is telling you that something is wrong. Therefore, part of your journey is learning how to flow with ease and grace."

Hmmm, he had a point, but I really did not want to address this seemingly endless, impossible health challenge! Nevertheless, I surrendered to my coach and prayed for a solution.

A few days later I was reading and meditating—well, I was sort of reading and meditating—it was hard to stay focused and my eyes were just glancing at the letters in the book when these two sentences jumped off the page into my heart: "If your affairs are out of order, it is a reflection that your thinking is out of order. If your body is out of order, it is a reflection that your emotions are out of order." How to Use Your Twelve Gifts from God, by William Warch

I'm a very orderly person—my house is in order, my office is usually clean and orderly, my bills are all paid—I'm very responsible and my affairs are in order. But my body was definitely OUT OF ORDER and I had no clue what emotion was causing this, I had lived with it for 20 years. Whatever the cause, it was deeply buried.

Defining Event

At this point I decided to cooperate with my coach and an extremely painful memory surfaced! I had been so disappointed—more than disappointed—I was really angry at my body for letting me down when I had to surrender Matthew back into the care of Social Services! WOW!

In 1980 my husband and I had adopted a baby who had been abandoned at the time of birth because it "wasn't perfect." His natural parents would not bond, love or care for him because he was Down's syndrome. My husband was an obstetrician and when he learned the child was abandoned, he was quite shaken. Our fourth child, Sarah, has Down's syndrome and she has been such a joy to us that it was quite disturbing to imagine this little boy without a family. So we asked for and adopted Matthew at birth. What we did not realize at the time was that Matthew was also autistic. The combination of D.S., plus severe retardation and autism was a horrific package, and in seven years I was totally burned out.

That was when I felt such anger at my body. When I give my word or make a commitment I keep it. I'm a person of integrity. For my body to cave in like it did was simply NOT in my realm of possibility. But it had and I had carried this anger inside my body for 20 years!

Letting Go

NO WONDER I WAS IN PAIN! And my doctor was right! If fibromyalgia is caused by depression, and depression is "anger turned inward" as I learned in nurses' training, then indeed I was depressed!

I LET IT GO! Once I "saw" the root emotion—anger—I could understand why my body was screaming in pain. And I let it go. Just like that. In the moment I made my decision to let it go, it left. I knew it. A few days later I started slowly weaning myself off the medications. I'm not a martyr, so if I were feeling pain, I would be back on the meds, but I'm not. I'm free of pain, gaining strength, reprogramming my thinking and adding activities back into my life. This week I started two exercise classes at the local recreation center—a gentle fitness class and water fitness. THAT is a miracle!

Now, I would not presume to know what is at the root of every case of fibromyalgia. But I wouldn't be surprised if a long-held or blocked emotion would surface for most sufferers. My hope and prayer in sharing my story is that it will re-activate hope in your heart, and faith to believe in a miracle for yourself or someone you love.

Copyright (c) 2008 Rebecca Hanson

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Eliminate Cellulite Today With an Amazing Technique

Eliminate Cellulite Today With an Amazing Technique
by: Darren Brent

You may be wondering that the 'orange peel' skin is there because you are overweight. However, that is one of the biggest myths - cellulite as it is called, can affect anyone! Understanding what cellulite is important to learn how to reduce or eliminate it. Cellulite is the uneven distribution of fat cells in the body due to the connective tissues which distribute the fat cells under the skin. Fat is important for our body but improper distribution or lumping gives the look that everyone dislikes. ..

Although you can either just accept it or try to do something with the new techniques that have been introduced to eliminate cellulite completely. Results vary from person to person depending upon the extent of cellulite accumulation or even the skin textures. Usually, most of the techniques are quite effective as any product or method that improves the blood circulation helps to reduce cellulite as well.

We sit in the office and work all day, while that sitting is one of the reasons that one gets cellulite as the blood circulation is poor in this position.

Get up and walk for sometime in the office helps the blood flow in the legs, reducing cellulite over a period of time. Doing minor exercises while sitting in the chair also helps pump up blood to your legs. Walking for short time spans or just getting up to stretch your legs in the office helps better circulation of blood.

Avoid wearing high heels and tight sandals for long time periods as they restrict blood flow up your legs. Wear it only when essential otherwise walk bare foot or in flat heels, and loose comfortable footwear. It may sound difficult and unfashionable but it is a good way to eliminate cellulite! There are some herbal oils that also help dissolve the fat accumulated under the skin or at least smoothen out the lumps. You can apply these oils and massage it in for better absorption by the skin. Over a period of time, these can help break the fat globules and smoothen out skin textures. There are many such products which have actually helped people fight the otherwise loosing battle against cellulite.

Massage is another good way of reducing cellulite. Get a full body massage with essential oils to harmonize your body and mind. While you relax the relevant essential oils will also help in proper circulation of blood while the soft connective tissues that get stimulated will automatically relax which helps to level the fat cells also. Try out some of these very effective remedies and eliminate cellulite from your life.

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Why Weight Loss Pills Are Ineffective For You

Why Weight Loss Pills Are Ineffective For You
by: Ted Cantu

You just bought a nighttime and daytime formula of weight loss pills. You have been taking them for … months. Lets face it, this weight is not falling off your body and you got to wonder why this is taking so long. It’s obvious there is some kind of problem here with your weight loss program. Maybe pills aren’t the answer? ..

Dr. Berneathy has some rather unexpected statistics on the subject of weight gain. He mentions in his talks that the body will be almost immune to weight loss pills because of one simple reason. The body has to detoxify. Your body has to get rid of all of the junk and garbage that you put into it through eating fast foods, non-foods, and harmful substances that clog up your system.

What Is Detoxification?

Being overweight and suffering from obesity are becoming all too common these days. This carries a huge load of negatives such as health risks and illness. It is for this reason you must detoxify your body.

That means getting rid of anything that’s man made. I would scrap any product that had artificial sweetners, additives, artificial coloring and preservatives in it.

I would get my hands on a green drink too ASAP. I found some liquid chlorophyll in my health food store a few months back and I liked it. I made a drink out of that with some purified water. I found this naturally uplifting and it put my body in check. My pH level increased to a deep rich green color, (yes I use the testing strips) in a matter of a few days.

You will notice some differences when you start to clean your body out. My sweat didn’t stink anymore and I had no foul odors. This sanitized my body from the inside out. I started to notice real change too in how I approached food once I was cleaned out. I didn’t have cravings for things that I thought I would miss. In fact, I had gotten so wound up in my work that I would forget to eat breakfast AND lunch. I am not suggesting that you do this but my energy level soared through the roof.

It was after I had experienced this body cleansing that I decided to do something with my exercise program and the foods I ate. I wanted to reach higher levels of this type of living. I learned one thing that Spring and that was detoxification is the key to a better life.

Getting back to the Weight Loss pills for a moment. The marketing pitch for a lot of these products claim that you can eat whatever you want and still lose the weight. The foods they show in their ads include pizza, chocolate, cake and pies. Good grief.

If you are going to detoxify yourself then make sure the foods you eat are good foods and not junk foods. There is no point in going back to a “fried chicken diet” or a “chocoholic overload diet”. If you are going to start taking care of your body and are willing to go all the way we got some good news for you.

The weight will start to come off of you after you detoxify.

Lets Get Back To Basics

So does that mean you can do all of this with diet pills? Perhaps but if you do not have the right fundamentals of weight loss and how your body reacts to certain foods you could be on the never ending rollercoaster. It is no wonder why so many diets fail when they hit the market. You need to know what combinations of food are good for you and which ones aren’t.

To learn more about detoxification and how it affects weight loss you need a coach.

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America's Children Are Dying To Lose Weight

America's Children Are Dying To Lose Weight
by: Foster W. Cline MD And Lisa Greene

Wasting away, Katie died weighing only 58 pounds. And she was sixteen. That just doesn't seem possible to me when I look at my seven-year-old daughter who weighs in at about 55 pounds. Anorexia is a medical enigma. Although there is little concrete evidence of what actually causes anorexia, most experts agree that there are several contributing risk factors. We believe that awareness of these risk factors can reduce the odds that they will be triggered so we are hopeful that this information will save lives. If you're a parent or a teacher, you need to read on…

Word has it around town that Katie had been told by a high school teacher that "she needed to go on a diet." So she did. Certainly this one comment didn't cause this young lady to spin out of control with dieting but it might have been the straw that broke the camel's back. Negative comments about body type and size from authority figures, teachers, coaches and parents, can have a big impact on an adolescent child's self-esteem and are implicated as possible triggers in studies on anorexia. Never underestimate the power of the spoken word to heal… or kill…

Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia) have historically been considered a girl problem but the pendulum is swinging. Anorexia is being diagnosed more frequently in boys, too. Young boys are becoming more body image conscious than in previous generations. Case in point: my nine-year-old son has come home from school upset on several occasions because kids have called him fat. He is far from fat; in fact, he has cystic fibrosis so we are grateful for any extra padding he has and work very hard to keep his weight as high as possible. His diet is exactly the opposite of what everyone else is eating, filled with high fat, high calorie foods. Jacob understands the importance of complying with his dietary requirements but it can be hard for him to go against the norm.

With the emphasis on childhood obesity and diabetes, children are thankfully becoming more aware of the necessity of good nutrition and weight control. But I wonder if there is a price to be paid by children who are predisposed to eating disorders. With the media, parents, doctors, schools and peers emphasizing being thin and high achieving, it will be unfortunate if the numbers of children diagnosed with anorexia accelerates.

The difficulty lies in knowing which children are predisposed to eating disorders. As our society addresses the obesity issue, are we unknowingly putting some children at risk for eating disorders? How can we address the very real, very troublesome problems associated with the alarmingly increasing body mass index of our young children without triggering other children's potential for becoming anorexic?

This is a problem every parent of every child should consider. Research shows that about 6% of young people suffer from an eating disorder and this figure is thought to be low. The next time you are at a school assembly, look around. There are likely to be at least 10 kids there who have an eating disorder. One of them may even be your own. It is thought that the "anorexic mentality" is in place long before there is physical evidence of the disease. Has your thirteen -year-old been on a diet lately? Stats say that there is an 80% likelihood that she has been. Dieting at a young age puts children at risk for anorexia.

The cause of an eating disorder in any one child is unclear because multiple factors appear to play a role. Genetic factors, family interaction patterns, and the individual's own character and personality have all been implicated. But to summarize the problem in a single sentence, it appears that the illness is a response to coping with stress in genetically predisposed children who are filled with denial about their feelings and weight. There! Quick, short, concise, and anything but simple. This single sentence has many implications for parents and parenting. Let's take a brief look at each of these contributing factors individually and provide parenting responses that might be helpful in combating eating disorders.

1. The Genetic Factor in Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, like many other behavioral illnesses, appear to run in families. Not only does the illness itself run in families but the predisposing temperament seems to as well. The one good thing about illnesses that run in families is the fact that children can be prepared to recognize warning factors prior to the onset of the problem. When children are forewarned, they are forearmed. This forewarning is best carried out in a heart-to-heart discussion about possible future problems. A loving parent, relative, or counselor can initiate dialogue before the child is an adolescent, in an informative, non-hand-wringing and factual manner that indicates a hopeful outlook for a healthy future.

2. Anorexia and Bulimia as a Way of Coping with Stress

Food and emotions are closely linked. Over- and under-eating change brain chemicals that affect anxiety and depression. They are both often unhappy and ineffective ways of coping with stress. An authority on anorexia recently noted that a child's inherent vulnerabilities "load the gun," and environmental stresses "pull the trigger." So, assuming inherent vulnerabilities like genetics are unchangeable, how can we avoid pulling the trigger? Is it possible that we can use parenting techniques that will reduce the odds of pulling the trigger?

We believe the answer is yes. We can easily use parenting techniques that excel at raising children who effectively learn to cope with stress in healthy ways. Such techniques include guiding children to solve their own problems rather than solving them for them, allowing children to experience the consequences of their decisions, and responding to children's mistakes with empathy and understanding rather than anger, frustration, and criticism. These are great immunizations against the use of food as a dysfunctional coping response. The experience of coping and overcoming difficulties with good problem-solving skills leads to the ability to confront feelings and issues in a healthy manner, rather than displacing them with changes in food intake. Also, the child's history of successfully coping with painful outcomes of poor choices makes denial much less likely. And, when a child's mistakes are met with empathy and understanding rather than anger and frustration, a child feels supported and understood rather than criticized, demeaned and alone.

3. Psychological Factors in Eating Disorders

Two personality factors have often been reported to be present in eating disorders: perfectionism and high, unrealistic expectations of self. Even when anorexic adults have achieved success, deep down they report feeling insecure and inadequate. There is a tendency to see things only in extremes without shades of gray:

"I'm good or I'm bad."
"I'm pretty or I'm ugly."
"I'm successful or a complete failure."
"I'm perfect or defective."
"I'm fat or I'm thin."

Healthy parenting techniques discourage this type of thinking. Parents: don't over-reassure your children. Over-reassurance actually validates the child's negative thinking and may lead to unhealthy "either/or" black-and-white thinking. Responding with, "Gee, honey, I see it differently, but tell me how you are no good," allows for less manipulation, more acceptance of responsibility, and a child's far more accurate self-examination. Using encouragement rather than praise is also an important parenting technique to increase children's self-awareness. Encouragement gives them experience in viewing themselves, their responses, and their creations realistically, rather than simply trying to please an authority figure. With this simple tool, parents can easily help children learn how to feel good from the inside out rather than looking for approval and self-worth from authority figures.

4. The Role of the Family

There are a number of family factors that are thought to play a role in eating disorders. As we look at some of these interaction factors, it is safe to say that while healthy parenting patterns certainly will not cause or aggravate the problem, they may not be able to alleviate the problem either. Loving, effective parents are known to have had children suffering depression, suicide, and eating disorders. Also, this discussion on parenting styles should not be used as a source of parental guilt but instead provide motivation for change if change is needed. Parents do the best they can, under the circumstances they experience, to raise their children with the love they are able to show. The problem in examining family patterns lies with the fact that all sorts of dysfunctional patterns have been reported. These form a long list:

- Smothering and over-protective families
- Controlling and critical parents
- A chronic feeling of being abandoned and misunderstood
- Having parents or a family that overemphasize appearance and achievement
- Having rigid parents who don't model good conflict resolution skills

The effect of unintentional, yet unhealthy, parental responses cannot be ignored. Again, good parenting techniques do not guarantee success, but at least they are unlikely to contribute to the problem. So rather than focusing on what is speculatively wrong, it is more effective to focus on doing what is right by using healthy parenting skills rather than the unhealthy ones that contribute to dysfunctional family patterns. Whether or not an eating disorder is present, or may be present in the future, it will never hurt for parents to show healthy responses and good parenting techniques.

5. Societal Influences

Finally, there are possible societal factors that influence eating disorders. Big drinks and big burgers have enticed the population into a diabetic frenzy. While most of the population is downright overweight, the females that populate the media (those who model prettiness and good looks) are generally thin to the point of appearing anorexic themselves. Talk about image confusion! On the male side of the equation, we have the same issue with buff men cavorting playfully with thin, pretty women.

With so much emphasis in our culture on athletic performance and good looks, it is not too surprising that some predisposed children take things too far. And, although on the surface it seems reasonable enough to blame society for the self-destructive choices of an individual, this is ultimately self-defeating when dealing with individual situations. Blaming society or others simply removes individual responsibility and accountability and actually increases the likelihood of the negative behavior.

In conclusion, when all is said and done, nobody, at this point, can say with any certainty the exact cause of an eating disorder in any one particular child. But we can say with absolute certainty that all the speculation, studies, reports, and conjecture do not implicate the healthy family interaction patterns taught by Love and Logic. It would appear the personality of the anorexic person is not that of children who have grown up in a home advocating honest acceptance of personal responsibility and where children are:

- Lovingly supported by parents who view mistakes as learning experiences,
- Allowed to make choices and share control,
- And encouraged to cope with the stresses of life in healthy ways.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure particularly where eating disorders are concerned. At this time, there is no cure for anorexia. And America's children are dying to lose weight.

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Fat Loss Revealed Part 2

The secrets to achieving the lean athletic physique that you’ve always wanted are held by Canada’s top trainer, Yuri Elkaim. Most people waste a lot of time in the gym with no real direction or positive results. Fitness and wellness coaches, such as Yuri Elkaim know there is a better way. ...

Yuri is a former professional soccer, Certified Kinesiologist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the nationally ranked University of Toronto men’s soccer program, and considered by many as Canada’s top trainer and fitness expert. He’s created Fitter U™, the world’s only 12-week body shaping fitness program for iPod/MP3 players geared to helping people lose weight, burn fat, and improve their fitness level. In this article, Amy Coates, Total Wellness Consulting’s nutrition expert will be interviewing Yuri on various facets of weight loss.

…continued from Part 1.

AC: So for beginners, a good nutrition program is possibly the most powerful factor?

YE: Absolutely! Obviously a nutrition program is vital – you must create a caloric deficit through a combined exercise and nutrition approach. But, more so I like to focus on getting my clients to focus on eating healthier, higher quality foods. I like to preach the qualitative side of nutrition more so than the quantitative calorie counting side.

So the key for the fat loss programs I use is exactly that – how can we force the body to burn as many calories as possible, and continue to burn them between workouts. The idea is to demand as much work from the body as possible – and maintain that caloric burn for as long as possible.

Now the ONLY reason the body burns calories is because the muscle tissue is working. It doesn’t matter what activity you are involved in – aerobics or weight training – its muscular demand that determines caloric burn. So you have to begin with that in mind.

Let’s think about this:

You can run a mile in ten minutes.

You can swim a mile in twenty minutes.

After a year of swimming every day and not running – you can now swim a mile in 16 minutes.

Without running – how much has your running improved? Very little. Why? We only have ONE cardiovascular system – so why doesn’t improving your swimming (and cardio system) automatically improve your running?

Because the ONLY reason your cardio system was involved in the first place was because of demand from your muscular system. So you adapted to the SPECIFIC MUSCULAR demands of swimming which by default then involves the cardiovascular system – it’s not the other way around as most people think. The muscles don’t move because of cardiovascular demand – the cardio system is elevated because of muscular demand.

AC: What’s the takeaway message?

YE: Hopefully the readers can understand – that we need to program the body based on the movements it’s going to perform – not based on the cardiovascular system. That’s an upside down method.

AC: So what methods work for fat loss? What methods are ineffective or inefficient for fat loss?

YE: Circuit weight training and interval training always work. Steady state aerobic work never works long term in the real world. Now for those of you out there who will no doubt get caught up talking about health, cardiac heart disease, cholesterol etc - I'm not arguing with you. But we’re talking about fat loss here.

However - for fat loss, the research is unequivocal - high intensity work is superior.

I think the problem is this:

Aerobic training by nature is lower intensity. At some point you get so good at it that it just doesn't burn as many calories, and in effect, you are burning fewer calories than you used to for the same time investment. So what do you do? Go for longer and inevitably run into the same problem? Or increase the intensity? Increasing the intensity is the obvious answer.

AC: You have commented that aerobics were useless for fat loss. This caused a lot of controversy. What did you mean?

YE: I'm sure you'll agree Amy that it only seemed to cause controversy with people who don't do this for a living. Most of the good practitioners in this area didn't even blink. It's not controversial at all in terms of fat loss and I'm getting bored going over it.

I don't think anyone who has trained themselves or anyone else has ever seen low intensity cardio to be a very effective fat loss tool. The loss in lean mass that is typical in most weight loss programs needs to be offset - and steady state aerobic training (despite it's plentiful health benefits) only adds to that problem.

So let me expand on what I meant:

When I said "Aerobics are useless for fat loss" what I meant was "aerobics are useless for fat loss". Is that clearer?

Ok - to be less antagonistic, let's just say that aerobic training for fat loss is the most overrated and overemphasized method in use today. It's completely outdated as a fat loss modality. Here's something to remember – write it on your fridge it you have to: Lifting weights in the intensity zone of 8-12 reps coupled with short rest periods has been shown beneficial for releasing the androgenic hormone testosterone and growth hormone. These important hormones encourage development of lean muscle mass (metabolically active tissue). Fat, on the other hand is just along for the ride! Aerobic exercise has been linked with the release of the catabolic hormone cortisol, which is antagonistic to the development of lean muscle mass.

The efficiency argument is interesting. Does weight training build muscle? No. It breaks down muscle and the body ADAPTS by building more muscle. So in aerobic training - when we "encourage the use of fat" - do we force that same body to adapt by storing more fat? Interesting, most exercise and fitness experts all seem to think so. Think about it for a moment. Who is leaner and more defined…a 100m sprinter or marathon runner???

Seriously - there are thousands of overweight individuals each year who complete marathons. Now completing a marathon is damn impressive to me. However it shows that the aerobic fitness needed to complete a marathon doesn't have anything necessarily to do with creating a fat loss effect. So if you are capable of two to three hours of steady state running and still not be burning enough fat - we can either go to a higher intensity or you can try four hours of running. Any takers for the latter?

In terms of fat loss - calories burned are the most important factor. And aerobic training burns less calories than anaerobic training and weight training overall (besides doing very little to increase your metabolism -your body's calorie burning engine).

So if we accept that lean mass is a major factor in your fat burning engine - and aerobic training makes that engine smaller (i.e. less muscle) and more efficient at burning fat (remember more efficient means it burns LESS) - how can having a smaller more efficient fat burning machine burn more fat? It doesn't.

AC: So you are saying that cardio is the least important component?

YE: I don't think so necessarily. However, I do believe that a combination of properly structure strength training accompanied by high-intensity interval training is the MOST effective way to burn fat while promoting lean muscle mass. The results speak for themselves, time and time again!

About The Author

Yuri Elkaim is the owner of Total Wellness Consulting and creator of the only 12 week body shaping fitness program designed for Ipod/Mp3 players. Please visit http://www.myFitterU.com for more info.

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Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body

Why You Need To Detoxify Your Body
by: Ted Cantu

I got the phone call early on a Monday. It was from California and I had no idea what I was about to learn from the amazing Dr. Berneathy. Dr. B, as he is affectionately known, has created a dynamite weight loss formula for his patients in his Chiropractic clinic. I was about to embark on a real education. ..

If you want to lose the weight then you will have to lose any type of victim mentality and get positive. I learned from Dr. B that weight loss was not that hard to do. This guy had the secret that so many other programs out there seemed to miss.

I am going to tell you some of these strategies now.

Lesson 1: You Got To Detoxify – Now what does this exactly mean? You have to get rid of all the junk in your diet. If you are serious about weight loss then you must get rid of the excess garbage in your daily diet. There is a time period here that you will have to observe. This is a multi-step process that you must start on if you want to lose the unwanted pounds.

Lesson 2: Keeping A Positive Mindset – Getting powerful results starts with a healthy mindset. I suggest getting rid of all the substances in your daily pattern that lead to racing thoughts. In this category I include caffeinated drinks, alcohol, sugar and other stimulants. I recently switched to herbal teas from around the world and noticed a huge difference in every aspect of my life.

Lesson 3: Move – You got to get in motion if you want to lose weight. Life is about motion, it is about doing, it is about experiencing new things, you got to get out of your living environment and breathe fresh air. Even if you are not used to exercising you have to get up and out. Mobility is everything. This is going to help you build up your mindset to finally exercise.

Lesson 4: Water Based Foods – Just like Dr. B said do not eat junk foods. Artificial colors and flavors are ultimately bad for you and they must be avoided. Taking the bold step to water based foods will take some imagination There are a lots of great things to be said about what kind of vegetables you buy. You can either buy organic produce, eat vegan, or go totally vegetarian. Avoid taking too many radical steps to reach your goal. Your shifts in this area should be gradual.

Lesson 5: Love Yourself – I always found that I usually got the munchies around 10 PM every night. This became a problem but I found ways around it. I was never tempted by late night advertising by Taco Bell because I had problems with dairy and my sinuses. I was able to find some guilt free snacks to help tide me over. I found things like black bean dip and blue corn chips that were fat free. I also found this amazing Green Tea Non Dairy Ice Cream. If you are willing to stretch your imagination you will come across some incredible finds. This is totally up to you. The other thing I can tell you is to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water.

Lesson 6: Take Control – Avoid being a victim whenever possible. Avoid living in a constant state of “reaction”, (ex: you’ll never believe what this guy said to me, you’ll never believe what happened to me today, I could only get that promotion if so and so was out of the way etc.). These types of inner conflicts are not healthy for the mind. You are controlling the situations around you. It is for this reason you must have self mastery.

Lesson 7: Eat Often – You can achieve great things with smaller meals. You can eat multiple times a day and not have to worry about going hungry. If you are eating the right things in the right combination then hunger pangs are a thing of the past. You are going to be well settled and will not have to worry about calorie counting. The body will start to adjust to your eating habits and you won’t have to worry about how much you need to eat. Your portions will be smaller.

Dr. Berneathy is well schooled in all of these areas. He is an abundant wealth of knowledge and I decided to take him on as a client. These areas of weight loss intrigued me and yet I wondered how I could apply these rules to my life.

We talked about fundamentals and what it would take to get fantastic results. Weight loss is a complicated game if you don’t approach it the right way. That is why there are so many diets that fail and fall off the market place. But talking to Dr. B made things really simple. We need to stop stuffing ourselves with fake food. But more importantly we had to follow a process that would help eliminate waste before the pounds would fall off.

The importance of this subject matter cannot be underplayed. Disease can settle in if the body is not where it should be. Losing weight is a very serious subject matter and you should take proper steps to take care of your body.

As Dr. Berneathy says, “You only got one you!”. And I couldn’t agree more.

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Miraculous Acne Scar Elimination!

Miraculous Acne Scar Elimination!
by: Darren Brent

Acne can affect people of all ages; however it occurs most often during puberty as the body goes through hormonal changes. It has also been known to affect people in adulthood, even if their skin was clear during their teenage years. In some cases acne leaves scars on the skin after chronic and prolonged acne, especially if it is left untreated. The pitting on the face and other parts of the body is easily spotted.....

Acne scars will usually fade over time, but sometimes severe acne leaves permanent scars that can be the cause of some embarrassment to the sufferer. Although there are less cases of adult acne, it is not uncommon. Acne which strikes during the adult years may be due to skin allergies or accumulated toxins.

Another type of acne which is rare, but no less irritating, is scalp acne. It is very painful and difficult to treat as applying any cream or antibiotic medicine can be difficult due to hair growth. Although acne on the hairline is visible, the regular use of anti dandruff shampoo can help in some cases. A dermatologist should be consulted for severe cases of acne.

There are different methods of acne scar treatment available which help in lessening the scars by removing the older skin layer and helping new, smoother skin grow. Although there are intensive medical treatments such as laser treatment open to sufferers, cosmetic surgeries are also available. There are also various natural remedies that can actually do wonders for the elimination of acne scars.

Water is a miracle drink not only for the treatment of acne scars, but also for facial skin care in general. Keeping your skin in top condition requires drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water everyday. Skin scars can be dramatically reduced with the intake of water. Drinking water increases the dermal moisture content, making the skin soft and more flexible. Your facial skin is delicate and needs to be properly cared for.

Change your eating habits and consider adding organic, natural fibers to your diet. Your diet has a direct impact on the skin; the more fresh vegetables and fruits you eat, the better pH balance in the body will be. Application of Vitamin E directly onto the acne scars also helps the cells rejuvenate. You can break open a capsule of Vitamin E and a

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Forget Dry Skin and Have a Queen's Face

Forget Dry Skin and Have a Queen's Face
by: Darren Brent

Our skin is the biggest organ and the most delicate also. It requires constant moisturizing, hydration and pores kept free from blockages, for you to have a radiant complexion. When we sweat, the built in toxins are released through our skin pores, thus keeping our skin clean and healthy.. ..

When you are young, the skin has inherent natural oils that it secretes to keep the skin healthy and supple. However, as we age, the skin gets drier and loses its ability to produce oils, so you need extra application of natural organic creams and lotions for intense moisturizing of the skin.

When the skin loses moisture, it becomes very dry and cracks appear or skin peels and becomes irritated. Usually, the fungi and microbial infections sets in damaged dry skin and later flares up. Dry skin not only does not look good but the accumulation of dead skin cells, need constant exfoliation. The best way to achieve normal, healthy skin is to have a regular skin care routine which will make you look attractive and have a flawless skin. As you age, the skin loses its moisture content very fast and signs o aging show up fast. It is beneficial to use good authentic organic skin care products, which will help you attain the proper PH balance in your skin.

Some home beauty tips are very effective when you have dry skin. Mash up a banana and add some honey and little milk to make a paste. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil like sandal, rose or lavender to get the perfect fragrance. Apply this rejuvenating face mask and leave it on for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and apply pure almond oil or avocado oil as moisturizer. Repeat this process once a day for a fortnight and see the difference!

The best way to clean your dry/damaged skin is to use a mild soap and use extra moisturizers like pure oils for maximum benefits. Avoid any alcohol based skin care product as it tends to dry out the skin. Alkaline soaps and skin care lotions should be used. Drinking plenty of water every day and eating a balanced diet certainly helps you have an acne free, well nourished beautiful skin. Protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun and use a soft, gentle sunscreen lotion when ever you go out. Follow the tips and you will see your dull, luster less dry facial skin transform into a supple, soft and beautiful complexioned young face.

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What is the French for Diet

What is the French for Diet
by: Mary Watson

France is well known as a nation of food lovers, so even the French are susceptible to the obesity syndrome. However, there are many people, especially women, who have bucked the trend and remain to be slim. Some French woman can eat all manner of delicious foods, indulge in wine and yet still stay trim and beautiful. What's their secret?

It would appear the French Diet is very appealing as there are no restrictions on carbohydrates or fat and no calorie counting, just good quality food eaten in moderation. The key here is quality and not quantity.

Their diet contains all fresh whole foods and they avoid processed foods, junk or fast foods, and sugary drinks. The French are passionate about cooking, so when cooking for themselves or friends, they will go to great lengths to seek out the freshest produce and ingredients for their meal. This is typically done on foot by walking around the farmers' markets, boulangeries and fromageries, all the time burning calories and contributing even more to a healthy lifestyle.

It's important to point out that French portions are a fraction of the size of those in the United States. So, while a French woman would be happy to unhurriedly savour a small plate of delicious quality food, others would rather wolf down a double helping, which is very often inferior quality.

The French tend to eat consciously and slowly, making sure they savour each and every mouthful. The psychology is by stopping to enjoy your meal, you will feel satisfied faster and will not tend to over eat. If you relax while eating, your body will metabolise food more efficiently, whereas hurriedly eating your food will lead your body to secrete Cortisol, which is steroid hormone secreted by the adrenal cortex as part of the body's response to stress.

French woman also drink plenty of water too. A good point to remember is, as well as prolonging your life and keeping your internal organs (liver, kidneys etc) clean and healthy, water will speed up your metabolism and aid weight loss.

The French Diet

With the French diet, you can eat unprocessed meat, fish, poultry, grains, bread, dairy products, vegetables and fruit. A varied diet is essential, as each food contains different vitamins and minerals necessary for long term health. The only conditions are on the size of the portions.

Other foods that are allowed include, croissants, pastries and baguettes. Did you know that a French croissant weighs in at just 1 ounce!

Real cheese is fine but processed cheese is definitely out. As you may be aware, the French regularly enjoy a glass of wine, especially at meal times. Red wine is packed with antioxidants and has recently been proven to be good for the heart. The French have a low incidence of heart disease and many cite red wine as the reason. However this should be restricted to 1 or 2 glasses a day.

Lastly, the French love fresh fruit and vegetables, and there are no restrictions on these. That's because they are low in calories and nutritionally dense. They also use heart healthy Olive Oil for cooking and dressings, rather than artery-clogging hydrogenated cooking oils.

So, it would appear that the "French Diet" isn't really a diet in the traditional sense, instead it's much more of a lifestyle. The only drawback in this hectic age in which we live, is finding the time to eat a meal slowly and in a relaxed state.

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Understanding The Kinetic Chain - A Personal Trainers Guide To Movement Dysfunction.

Understanding The Kinetic Chain - A Personal Trainers Guide To Movement Dysfunction
by: Dax Moy

In this current era of 'functional' training, core stability and balance-oriented training it's easy to get carried away with learning what I call the 'HOW's' of exercise.

HOW to balance on a swiss ball, HOW to integrate movement patterns and HOW to devise exercise programmes that have a high transfer into 'real life' situations.

After all, these are FUN elements that demonstrate a greater application of knowledge, skills and abilities to our clients. Or do they?

Interestingly, when asked, many of my students (all qualified personal trainers and therapists) had little real foundational knowledge of what makes their exercises 'functional' beyond "they have a carryover into real life".

I call this a 'lack of WHY?!'

This 'lack of WHY' is a 'disease' of almost epidemic proportions within our industry and one which, in my opinion, will keep us from ever reaching professional status if left unchecked.

Simply put, too many fitness instructors are prescribing exercise based upon the latest trends, personal preferences and outright exercise mythology.

This is like visiting your doctor and being prescribed medicine based upon 'it works for me so let's give it a go'. I'm sure that you wouldn't be too impressed if this happened to you, but what about your clients?

What kind of 'professional' service are they receiving?

The aim of this series is to provide you with the WHY's necessary to make your exercise prescription much more than a 'hit and miss' process and plant your feet firmly on the road to professionalism.

We start our journey with posture, the foundation from which our function, and ultimately all personal training is built.

What Is Posture?

According to the American academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons posture committee as far back as 1947, posture is:

'That state of muscular and skeletal balance which protects the supporting structures of the body against injury or progressive deformity, irrespective of the attitude in which these structures are working or resting. Under such conditions the muscles will function most efficiently...'

The key to the above statement is Balance, for it is balance or it's antagonist imbalance that appears to be one of the major influences in creating structural deformation resulting in pain.

Indeed there is much evidence to suggest that chronic imbalance can result in Postural Distortion Patterns that can perpetuate the cumulative injury cycle. This appears to make sense, especially if the kinetic chain concept is applied to the equation.

The kinetic chain is best described as a movement system consisting of myofascial (muscular), Articular (joints) and neural (motor) components with each being dependent on the others for optimum performance, both statically and dynamically. This movement system requires precision of movement based on the alignment and mechanics of each joint as well as how these joints are recruited to create a movement pattern.

In simple terms, the movement produced at any joint in the kinetic chain directly affects the joints above and below it. Dysfunction in any one of these systems may have direct and detrimental effect on the function of its neighbours.

Clearly then, there is much to concern ourselves with when prescribing exercise and stretching programmes to our clients, as every programming decision we make will affect the systems of the kinetic chain. This is obvious of course, but have you ever stopped to think of it in this way before?

Now 'understanding the WHY' becomes much more important doesn't it?

Why Do These Imbalances Occur?

Firstly, we are ALL imbalanced to some degree, even if our posture is considered optimal (we'll talk about this later). This is because there is actually an inbuilt ideal imbalance between the muscles crossing any joint e.g. Knee extensors/flexors, plantar flexors/dorsiflexors. This is simply a reflection of the functional roles of these muscles and beyond the scope of this article.

The muscle imbalances that we must concern ourselves are those that create alignment distortions that affect structural function. These can be caused by but not limited to:

Postural Stress

Living, as we do, under the force of gravity has created a structure, which seems to have placed the ideal imbalance in favour of our extensors; after all, structure determines function.

Unfortunately, modern living creates a 'synthetic' environment where sitting dominates our function and as a result affects our structure.

For simplicity, it is useful to think in terms of postural stress as 'training for posture'.

Imagine 'training' 16 hours/day 7 days/wk for a specific event. You're probably going to get very good at it aren't you? Well, most people get very good at 'bad' posture!

Many posture experts tend to use VladimirJanda's 'short and tight' vs. 'long and weak' classification system (8) as a way of simplifying the processes that create and result from postural distortion and often classify muscles as 'tonic' and 'phasic'.

This oversimplification tends to ignore individual differences in terms of 'normal' posture as well as making assumptions based purely on static posture.

When a muscle becomes facilitated (not necessarily 'just' short and tight) it increases in 'tone' and may decrease the neural drive to its antagonist. This is known as reciprocal inhibition and is a normal quality of the kinetic chain.

However,it becomes a problem when muscles that are supposed to be 'turned off' during a movement sequence remain 'switched on'. This has the effect of creating a situation known as synergistic dominance, where synergists are forced to take on the role of a prime mover due to inhibition.

Pattern overload

Using our 'training for posture' analogy above, it becomes clear that any movement pattern repeated often enough has the potential to create strain upon the tissues creating that movement.

This may create stress patterns in the joint structure, leading to arthrokinetic inhibition where the joint itself causes inhibition of the surrounding tissues or lead to synergistic dominance as an avoidance pattern.

It is important that the stresses applied to our joints be changed regularly through changes in exercise, loads, planes and ranges as well as changes to postural alignment, if pattern overload is to be avoided.

Painful or prolonged noxious stimuli

Injury to a joint creating swelling and/or pain may activate the type 4 joint receptors (nociceptors) that are receptive to these stimuli. These receptors are capable of creating arthrokinetic inhibition in order to protect the joint from further damage.

Lack of core stability

This has been indicated as a possible cause postural distortion and pain. We all train for mobility but how many of us train for stability?

Just how much spinal flexion strength do we need in this vertically loaded body of ours?

Probably not that much! Simply stabilising the platform that our spines work off seems to improve the function most of the clients that I work with (myself included).

Other problems occur here when the tone/strength of Rectus Abdominis is greater than that of the Erector Spinae. Again, reciprocal inhibition and synergistic dominance have the opportunity to 'take root'.

In Conclusion

Our postures are often the only clear indicators of the forces acting upon our bodies. More importantly, they illustrate our ability to cope with those forces.

A clear understanding of WHY muscular imbalance and postural distortion occur is fundamental to every exercise that you will ever prescribe.

With this knowledge of WHY, it becomes easier to see HOW, WHEN and WHERE to apply exercises and stretches to your clients in order to bring about functional and aesthetic improvement.

When, and only when, you can do this you will truly be applying personal to your training.


Part 2 of this series will examine postural types and how to assess them both statically and dynamically.

Part 3 will examine manual muscle testing and Range of Motion assessments.

Part 4: Putting it all together. Programming for postural improvement.

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Drug Detox Demand May Be Reduced By New Computer Program

Drug Detox Demand May Be Reduced By New Computer Program
by: Rod MacTaggart

Most of the 500 Metro Detroit doctors who recently evaluated a new online prescription drug program say it improves patient safety and quality of care by reducing the number of pharmacy errors, patient allergies and harmful drug interactions that can occur as a result of hand-written prescriptions. This is good news for the thousands of victims of prescription drug problems who end up needing drug detox...

The majority of drug-related trips to emergency rooms and detox centers – not to mention sudden deaths and trips to the morgue – are caused by problems with prescription drugs. Hospitals, ERs and detox centers in recent years are seeing more dependencies, addictions, overdoses and life-threatening drug interactions as a result of prescription drugs than more traditional illicit street drugs like heroin, cocaine in its many forms, and perhaps methamphetamine.

Most drug detox facilities now provide specialized medical drug detox services for a host of different prescription drugs. And although detox centers help people with problems caused by legitimate prescriptions, many of the most commonly abused prescription drugs have found their way into the illicit street drug pipeline. And virtually all of the popular prescription drugs now found in schoolyards, night clubs and on the streets require drug detox to safely get off them.

The new prescription drug program, called ePrescription, is used by doctors right in their offices to access online information about a prescription drug, including generic alternatives, potentially harmful drug interactions, and potential allergic reactions. Patients already taking other prescription drugs often don’t remember what they’re taking or forget to tell the doctor about them – or the doctor doesn’t ask. But because the program lists all the patient’s medications, it helps avoid the serious side effects or even dependencies that lead to drug detox when the wrong drugs are combined. And because the doctor uses the computer to print out new prescriptions, it helps prevent patients from getting the wrong drug or wrong dosage just because a pharmacist couldn’t read the doctor’s handwriting.

In the two years that doctors have tested the program, 3.3 million prescriptions were written, and nearly a third of them – one million prescriptions – were identified as offering potentially harmful drug interactions, and another 100,000 prescriptions were spotted as being potentially allergic. In all, 423,000 prescriptions were corrected – changes that, if not corrected, might have caused injuries and even deaths. For drugs with a high potential for dependency such as narcotic painkillers and many antidepressants and antipsychotics, keeping track of the prescriptions with the computer surely helped prevent trips to drug detox.

The power of the new program to improve patient health and prevent prescription drug misadventure was lauded by most of the doctors testing it. They said it alerted them to potential problems they wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, and they liked how the program let them check other medicines patients were taking. Mixing prescriptions is always an area of risk that can precipitate dependency or addiction and lead to the need for drug detox or to complications and even death.

Detroit’s new online prescription drug computer program appears to be helping get that city’s prescription drug error and abuse situation under control, and should help save a lot of people from needing a drug detox program.

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Achieve Wealth using the Power of your Subconscious

Achieve Wealth using the Power of your Subconscious
by: Greg Frost

Your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, and if harnessed correctly, you will be able to align your inner world with your outer world. By exposing yourself to more of what you would like to achieve in the outer world, your inner world will similarly be reinforced. ...

The key difference in attitudes of the wealthy and the less so is in the way they think and behave. How you think is reflected in your inner world, whilst your behavior is how you express in your outer world. Hence, your actions are important as they create subconscious impressions of your status. Here are a few ways how you can create congruence between your inner and outer world, and so achieve greater wealth.

1) Your Choices

Your actions and choices will create the environment around you, which will either spell out wealth, or poverty. By choosing to use the best quality products that are necessary, you are subconsciously telling your mind that you can afford it and that you are superior. This is not the same as simply over spending, or buying more than what you need. It is about aligning your inner and outer world, so that you satisfy your needs in a way that maximizes your utility.

2) Don’t Waste Money

Often, you find yourself buying a cheaper substitute for a product that you really want. Whilst an off the rack mp3 player may serve the same function as an Ipod, for example, the utility you derive from and Ipod is much higher. You will feel dissatisfied with your mp3 player, and this unhappiness that you experience may eventually motivate you to buy the real McCoy so as to satisfy your need. By buying what you would prefer in the first place, you will save on the money that you have spent buying repeated products.

3) Your Mindset

Those who are less well off are unwilling to spend money on the items that they would like to possess, because they are afraid. On the other hand, the wealthy do not limit their minds in this way, and hence obtain greater satisfaction. When you are happier with what you have, you will send forth vibes that attract even more happiness in life. Like attracts itself; this does not mean wasteful spending, it is simply spending where necessary.

Your environment plays a big part in affecting your subconscious mind. Your surroundings will impress upon your mind that you are wealthy or poor, and by surrounding yourself with symbols of wealth you will create the same conditions in reality. Hence, there is a match in your inner and outer world.

Whilst you may not be able to avoid signs of poverty, you can create greater focus on wealth by focusing on signs of abundance. Placing yourself in environments where you are able to relate to the rich will help you to achieve this congruence. When you can fully master the subconscious mind to work in your favor, you will be able to generate sound plans and executable ideas to achieve greater wealth.

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Endometriosis - Diet And Nutrition Can Reduce Symptoms

Endometriosis - Diet And Nutrition Can Reduce Symptoms
by: Carolyn Levett

Diet changes can help reduce the symptoms of endometriosis

Changing your diet to deal with Endometriosis is an excellent foundation to assist you in reducing the symptoms, and will help regenerate your health.

Adjusting what you eat can bring about many positive physical and metabolic changes, as well as improving our health. Many of you may be aware that various illnesses and diseases have responded very positively to changes in diet, and Endometriosis is no exception. ...

Some of the positive physical changes that take place when we change our diet, will at first not seem reliant on our food intake, but they are. For example, eating the right kinds of foods can:

~ sharpen our mental alertness
~ help us to stop feeling so sluggish
~ give us more energy
~ regulate sleep patterns
~ regulate bowel movements
~ balance blood sugar levels
~ regulate metabolism
~ regulate body weight
~ control hyperactivity - especially in children

We are very much a reflection of what we eat. When someone has a diet loaded in fats, the first place it will show up is in their complexion, with greasy, sallow skin. When we are constipated, an Iridologist (alternative health practitioner specializing in diagnosis using the iris of the eye) will immediately see this in the lack-lustre appearance of the eyes. With a lack of vital nutrients in our system, the body will eventually give you tell-tale signs.

The diet in modern day western society has become depleted of vital nutrients for many reasons. Intensive farming has robbed the soil of vital trace elements which used to be taken up by the crops as they grew, and in turn we consumed them. We rely so much on convenience foods now, which are very low in goodness. Much of our ‘fresh’ produce like fruit and vegetables is actually gassed and then stored in warehouses for months.

Many of us eat ‘fast food’, which is not very nutritious - the longer that food is left standing in a heated serving cabinet, the less nutritious value it has. People get lazy; they cannot be bothered to shop for valuable ingredients, yet alone cook good wholesome food anymore.

Scientists, health researchers and others have now found that the lower your food intake, with fewer calories and proteins, the longer you will live. We simply do not need the food intake that we have in the West.

What the body needs is a simple, balanced, preferably organic diet, which is prepared using fresh ingredients, and is viewed as our means of sustenance rather than being viewed as ‘something to stop us being hungry’. We do have many problems and issues surrounding food in the West, with anorexia, comfort eating, and many other eating disorders. Food is also used in many social situations, but this is no excuse for not being able to feed yourself with good food when you are at home.

Food is our fuel, it makes us function, grow, replace worn out cells, gives us energy, and feeds the entire body. Food is the secondary requirement to life, with oxygen being the first basic requirement. More important than food is our daily requirement for water. We need lots of it; plain, fresh water. Yet most people only drink a small proportion of what the body really needs.

But going back to food; it provides us with energy. The foods we take in include:

~ Carbohydrates, which provide the chief source of energy for bodily functions and muscular exertions
~ Fats which are the most concentrated form of energy. Three fatty acids are essential in the diet because the body cannot make them itself.
~ Proteins, which are the building blocks in food, the construction materials for growth and repair of cells
~ Fibre, indigestible parts of plants which provide roughage and aids digestion
~ Vitamins and minerals - the organic substances which the body cannot make, but which it requires in small amounts to maintain health

Controlled Diet for Endometriosis

Controlling your diet to help you deal with Endometriosis is an excellent starting point. As I have said earlier, we really are a reflection of what we eat, and the body responds very quickly to what is put inside it. Let me emphasize that point thus:

~ Look how radically altered we become by too much alcohol - which can happen very quickly
~ A Sumo wrestler is not born large - they eat themselves large
~ Body builders do build up their bodies with power/weight lifting, but they also use a high protein diet to back it up
~ Drink too much coffee and you have a caffeine rush
~ Travel to another area and you may get upset by the change in water consumption
~ When we are hungry, many of us suffer that awful drowsy blood sugar drop; eat something and we can pick up again very quickly

So the body is very sensitive to what is put in it, and sometimes that sensitivity is quick to show up. Unfortunately other sensitivities are not noticed and will creep up on us, which is when we suffer from dietary deficiencies and a lack of trace elements. There are times when our body gives us clues that we have a deficiency and we start to have cravings for certain types of foods.

The role of a controlled diet in Endometriosis management has proved exceedingly beneficial for many women. Some women have even been able to be totally symptom free with changes in diet. The plan of the endo diet is to relieve or prevent some of the disabling symptoms that occur with menstruation, as well as the general pain of endo. The goal is to decrease estrogen levels, stabilize hormones, increase energy, alleviate painful cramps and stabilize emotions.


Let’s start with pain and hormones in relation to diet …………

Endometriosis is an estrogen-sensitive condition, but the painful menstrual cramping that occurs is predominantly due to prostaglandin synthesis in the body. Prostaglandins are naturally occurring fatty acids, which are derived from dietary sources. The body can produce different types of prostaglandins through a complex series of pathways.

There are the ‘good guys’ and the ‘bad guys’ of the prostaglandin group. The goal of a controlled diet is to block the ‘bad guys’ for their negative actions on the body, and increase the ‘good guys’ for their opposite and beneficial actions. The action of the bad guys is to increase uterine contractions, and the good guys have a soothing effect. By changing the types of oils that are taken into the diet, the production of the good guys can be stimulated, which helps with uterine relaxation. These oils are composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which lead to positive prostaglandin production. Excellent sources of the omega-3 fatty acid producing oils are:

~ Evening primrose
~ Safflower oil
~ Walnut oil
~ Flax seeds/oil

It is also important to decrease intake of those fatty acids that will stimulate the bad guys which are found in saturated fats, butter, animal and organ meat, lard.

In addition to decreasing bad fat intake, the diet should also consist of high fiber. Not only does this help with good digestion, but it is also thought that a diet high in fiber can decrease total circulating estrogens. It is recommended to incorporate 25 grams per day of fibre. Good sources are:

~ whole grains excluding wheat and rye
~ beans, peas and pulses
~ brown rice
~ vegetable and fruits
~ oatmeal

The following foods are recommended to modulate estrogen levels by incorporating one or two servings a day:

~ mustard greens
~ broccoli
~ cabbage
~ turnips


~ wheat - this includes breads, cakes and pasta products, all based on wheat
~ refined and concentrated carbohydrates
~ sugar, in whatever form, including honey
~ alcohol
~ caffeine which is found in tea, coffee, soft drinks
~ chocolate
~ dairy produce including all milk, eggs and cheese
~ fried food, margarine and hydrogenated fats
~ soy products and soy protein - tamari can be used in small amounts
~ tinned and frozen packaged foods as little as possible
~ additives and preservatives

Note: Meat, dairy and eggs promote the pro-inflammatory prostaglandins.


~ beans, peas, lentils
~ onions
~ garlic (raw or lightly cooked)
~ carrots (contain beta-carotene)
~ live yogurt (good for healthy intestinal flora)
~ rhubarb
~ seeds and sprouted seeds
~ ginger
~ green tea


Foods containing natural plant sterols can be helpful. They are thought to block the estrogen receptors, so in turn excess estrogen in the body cannot ‘lock-in’ to these receptors. These include:

~ peas, beans and pulses
~ red and purple berries
~ garlic
~ apples
~ parsley
~ fennel
~ brassicas: cabbage, cauliflower etc
~ nuts and seeds
~ celery, carrots
~ rhubarb
~ sage


Although the best source of vitamins and minerals is through a well balanced diet, many foods today are depleted in these vital trace elements. Today, most of us need to supplement our diet with some of the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally.

The following is a list of supplements that will help women with Endometriosis:

Magnesium - is a mineral and is believed to ease cramping with menstruation

Zinc - is essential for enzyme activity, helping cells to reproduce which will help with healing. Zinc is also reported to boost the immune system and helping to create an emotional sense of well-being

Calcium - levels of calcium in menstruating women decrease 10 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation. Deficiency may lead to muscle cramps, headache or pelvic pain.

Iron - women with Endometriosis tend to have very heavy periods which can lead to an iron deficiency. This can lead to anemia which is characterized by extreme fatigue and weakness.

B vitamins - these are important for the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats in the body. B vitamins are reported to improve the emotional symptoms of Endometriosis, and have proved helpful in dealing with PMT

Vitamin C - is well known for helping to boost the immune system and help provide resistance to disease. It is also used in the body to build and maintain collagen within the body.

Vitamin A - is another immune system booster

Vitamin E - plays an important role by increasing oxygen carrying capacities and also strengthens the immune system

Selenium - when taken together with vitamin E has been reported to decrease inflammation associated with Endometriosis, as well as immune system booster.


Certain vegetables have substances that activate liver enzymes and help the liver to detoxify chemicals. This allows the liver to eliminate excess estrogen from the body more effectively. These vegetables include: broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts.

Auto immune diseases are thought to be triggered by free-radicals in the body, which could be an added factor in Endometriosis. Free radicals are destructive molecules and are found naturally in the body but can be made worse by pollution, stress, illness and smoking. There are minerals and vitamins that will help to fight off these free-radicals because of their antioxidant properties, including: vitamins A,C,E, CoQ10, selenium, vitamin B complex, as well as specific supplements being sold specifically as Antioxidants.


~ increase omega-3 fatty acids
~ avoid meat, dairy products, wheat and sugar
~ increase fiber
~ modulate estrogen intake
~ avoid caffeine and alcohol
~ avoid refined foods, e-numbers, additives
~ minimize or avoid soy products as they contain high levels of phytoestrogens, and soy contains a particular toxin which seems to be particularly detrimental for women with Endometriosis
~ peel fruit and vegetables to remove toxic chemicals
~ eat organic produce wherever possible
~ drink lots of filtered or mineral water

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A Guide On Spa Etiquette

A Guide On Spa Etiquette
by: Chris Turley

After a week of endless work, crazy traffic jams and a few relationship misunderstandings here and there, your stress level is probably about to hit an all time high. Fortunately, a place called the spa has been invented to help you keep what's little left of your sanity. Needless to say, a trip to a nice spa can make a hell week heavenly. ....

To help you make the most out of your spa experience, here are some spa etiquette tips to follow:

- Don't be late for your appointment. Being late means you don't have respect for another person's time. But aside from being impolite, it also means you won't have enough time to relax or spend at the sauna or steam bath. Having sufficient time to relax before your massage session is vital in getting the most out of your spa experience.

- Before you arrive at the spa center, be sure to turn your cellular phone off or put it in silent mode so as not to bother other spa clients who just like you are craving for some quiet time. When you're in a spa, there is nothing more annoying than having your peaceful beauty rest disturbed by a loud silly ringtone.

- Discuss with the therapist and the spa center staff any issues that you may have. If you prefer a female therapist, or if you're not comfortable being massaged in nude, don't hesitate to tell them. Also, feel free to talk to them about preferences that you may have like type of music, lighting, room temperature or amount of massage pressure.

- Leave valuables at home. Even if most spas have lockers with lock, it's still safer not to bring any valuables when you get a spa treatment.

- Use the spa facilities with care. Be sure to ask for assistance in case you don't know how to operate any facility. There is nothing embarrassing in asking.

- If you're scheduled for several treatments, have the massage prior to the facial but the body treatment should go first before the massage.

- It's all right to have a chat with your therapist but don't feel obliged to do so if you prefer to some quiet time during the treatment.

- The therapist will give you ample time to rest and cool down after the massage session but it doesn't mean that it is okay to take a whole afternoon nap. Just spend a few minutes to cool yourself down and give yourself time to reenergize.

- Don't forget to give a 15% tip to your massage therapist. Be sure to let him or her know if you are pleased with the service. Show appreciation by recommending the therapist to your family and friends who are also massage aficionados.

Spa experiences are truly heavenly. With the peaceful ambience, sensual aroma and the pleasurable treatments available, it surely is nice to give yourself a break by visiting a spa. Indeed, there's no better way to reward yourself after working so hard and subjecting yourself to the rigorous and exhausting demands of your daily life.

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Blow Away Your Dandruff

Blow Away Your Dandruff
by Darren Brent

Do you suffer from itchy scalp but embarrassed to scratch in public?

Do you have hair loss while you always have white flakes shedding on your clothes?

You are not alone as there are millions like you who suffer from Dandruff. Understanding what this skin disease is and how to combat it effectively is the only solution. Dandruff is the name given to the shedding of skin on the scalp, and appears as white flakes in the hair causing discomfort....

Although our skin sheds dead cells and renews itself every fortnight, the word dandruff refers to the unsightly shedding of dead skin which is known to be caused by a fungus. The common symptoms are itchy scalp and white flakes visible in the hair and surface when you scratch.

Dandruff is usually two fungi, Malassezia Furfur and Pityrosporum ovale, that reside in the human body. The fungus sometimes creates an imbalance, so that the renewal of skin cells leads to an overload of dead cells being shed. Most of the dandruff shampoos which claim to reduce dandruff contain Zinc Pyrithione and Nizoral. However, the more chemical you apply to your skin, the more the chances of an adverse reaction increase. In the case of an allergic reaction, consider trying out natural and herb based shampoos, which can contain the growth of dandruff.

You will need to wash your hair very frequently with these highly chemical based shampoos to curb the spread of these fungi. The main function of anti dandruff shampoos is to wash away and remove the dead skin cells faster than they can be shed. This is the only way to keep your scalp healthy and clean. Anti Dandruff shampoos contain strong chemicals which break down oils and contain fungicides to kill the microbial and fungi growth for cleaner hair and a healthier scalp. Lemon, orange, basil, papaya, cloves and other citrus fruits contain astringents that help keep the scalp clear of dead skin.

Applying herb based oils containing Lemon have concentration of anti fungal properties. Lemon oils are used to treat skin allergies which occur due to intense oil production. Lemon has a unique quality of sapping away excess oil which helps to eliminate acne and dandruff. Washing your hair after oiling it well with coconut oil is also known to benefit curbing dandruff. You can also condition your hair using eggs, once a fortnight as egg is known to give a beautiful shine to your hair.

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7 Simple Rules For Staying Young... No Matter What Your Age Is

7 Simple Rules For Staying Young... No Matter What Your Age Is
by: Dax Moy
Why is it that so many people dread getting older?

I mean, what is it that causes sensible, mature, educated people to burst into tears or go thorough 'mid-life' crises at the very mention of their 40th birthday?

It's weird isn't it...

After all, getting older is a natural part of life. Inevitable in fact, because if we don't get older then it means we must be dead!

After working with thousands of people from all walks of life I can reveal this; it's not the actual calendar years that cause people stress and concern, it's what those years do to your body, your face, your appearance.

Not much of a revelation, I agree, but nonetheless it's true.

In fact, if it wasn't for the visible signs of aging that build up over the years, most people wouldn't give a damn about how many candles they have on their birthday cake at all.

The trouble is, we're all brainwashed from quite an early age about what it means to grow older.

We're told "you're not getting any younger y'know!" or "You really should be slowing down and taking it a bit easier at your age" or "You shouldn't expect to achieve as much as you did when you were younger".

What a load of rubbish!

Look, let's get something straight once and for all.

Despite what you've been told by doctors, physios and so-called fitness 'experts' over the years, you do not automatically enter into a downward spiral of performance and appearance as you age.

Physical degeneration is NOT an inevitable part of the aging process.

In fact, you can and SHOULD be able to not only maintain but also improve your physical abilities across the course of your lifetime. You CAN be fitter in your 40's, 50's, 60's and even 70's than you are in your 20's and 30's.

Don't believe me?

Just look at the likes of ultra distance runner and adventure racer Helen Klein. She took up jogging at age 55, progressed on to complete over 75 marathons and 100 ultra-distance marathons (these are races over 100 miles in length) during a career that went on well into her mid seventies.

What about Professor Art De Vany, author of 'Evolutionary Fitness'? At age 68 he rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes competitively (in open competition), trains rigorously on a daily basis and has an amazingly muscular and firm physique with only 8% bodyfat. He's 68!!

These aren't isolated cases, though sadly, they are quite rare...though they needn't be!

Any day of the week you could begin the process of building the better, fitter, faster, firmer, stronger, leaner you and start to benefit from the amazing energy and vitality that's available to you at every moment of your life, regardless of age.

But first, I need you to understand something.

These improvements do not come from some new fad fitness programme.

They don't come from Dr Whoojammywotsits latest diet.

They don't come from those fancy gizmo's, gadgets or wonder pills that you keep buying from all those late night infomercials.

They come from good, old fashioned, honest-to-goodness effort.

Quite simply, if you want to get your butt off, then you have to get off your butt!

There is no other way!

Now, I know that's not what you want to hear and that many of you reading this will probably stop at this point, but nevertheless, it's true. And what's more, you know its true.

So, what are you going to do about it?

If you're like most people, probably nothing. You'll sit there, read this article and decide that I'm either nuts (You're could be right) or that the cost of getting what you want is too high and requires too much effort to achieve.

If that's you then I must respectfully inform you that you are officially insane. After all, isn't one of the definitions of insanity 'repeatedly doing the same things yet expecting different results'?

For those of you who still have your mental faculties intact : ) and are willing to make the changes necessary to achieve a fantastic body (regardless of your age), here are a few pointers.

1.Engage in challenging exercise EVERY DAY- Look, 3 times a week just doesn't cut it when it comes to maintaining or improving your physical self.

The human body is a movement machine, so MOVE IT!... or lose it.

2.Use strength based exercises AT LEAST 3 times a week where you challenge the muscles and joints and load the bones.

With over 600 muscles in the human body it just doesn't make sense to train the way most people do by isolating different muscles and blasting them to death. Instead, use my 600 rule and try to find exercises that use as many muscles as you possibly can.

3. Drink fresh, clean water every day.

You need around a litre for every 50lbs of body weight in order to maintain a decent hydration level within the body. Less than this and your organs, your skin, your muscles and even your brain cease to operate effectively.

4. Avoid all processed food.

Another name for processed food is 'denatured' food. In other words, all of the nature has been removed from it in order to make it last longer on the shelves.

Do you really want to eat something without any 'nature' in it? Only you can decide that, but I tell you this; foods with colourings, flavourings and numbers instead of ingredients will more likely end your life early than extend it.

Opt instead for fresh produce ensuring that 80% of what you eat comes from fresh (ideally organic) sources.

5. Eat less.

People eat too much. Enough said!

6.Sleep more

The human body requires sleep of both great quality and quantity.

Getting 8 hours a night is a good start, but not enough. To truly benefit from your sleep, try to get your sleep patterns worked out so that you are asleep between the hours of 10pm and 2 am to make the most of your body's hormonal repair processes. The hours 2am to 6pm are important to countering stress.

In other words, all sleep is not the same. The timing is important too.

7. Relax more

Yep, I know I said to move more but I also want you to relax more too.

That doesn't mean watch more TV. Read a book, listen to music, take a massage or acupuncture, take more holidays, add variety to your weekends.

Studies show that people who are more aware of the need for a blanc between activity and constructive relaxation live longer, are less stressed and achieve more.

Well, there you go. My guide to looking and performing better as you age.

It may not be what you were expecting. In fact, many of you are probably thinking, 'yeah, but I know all that already, where's the new stuff?'

Sorry, not this time!

There's nothing faddy, or hi-tech about this approach.

It just works.

My challenge to you is to take everything I've just told you and use it for 30 days in its entirety. Don't skip a thing.

If you do, I GUARANTEE that no matter what your current age or physical condition is, you'll look, feel and perform better than you have in years.

You up for it?

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5 tips to help with home recycling

The issue of recycling has been an important one for some years, but recently, with councils resorting to fortnightly collections in a bid to encourage recycling, this is an issue that has been receiving increased attention across the country. Councils are doing what they can to encourage recycling by providing recycle bins to households to make this task easier, and the government has pledged to increase the number of recycling bins in public areas to also encourage this activity....

We can all do our bit for the environment, help to reduce landfill site waste, and help others by recycling many of the items in our home – not just rubbish but all sorts of items. And once you get the hang of recycling you will find that it is an easy, effective, and useful way to do your bit for the environment.

1. Learn more about what can be recycled. Many people just think about things like cans or bottles when they think about recycling, but you can actually recycle pretty much anything. This includes textiles, rubber, building, materials, carton and cardboard, and more. Before you automatically throw something into to rubbish for collection think carefully about whether you could actually recycle the item in some way.

2. Familiarize yourself with the recycling bins in the area. There are different recycle bins for different things, such as some for bottles and cans, some for textiles, etc. The government has also promised to increase the number of recycling bins in public areas. In the meantime, it is a good idea to try and familiarise yourself with where the bins are in your area so that you know where to go to recycle your items.

3. Make use of the council recycle bin. Local authorities have issued many households with recycle bins now so there is no excuse for not being able to recycle. Make use of this facility and recycle as much as you can – with a bin on your doorstep there is not additional hassle involved and you could really help the environment in the long term.

4. Make sure that you use the right recycle bins for the right products. It can be encouraging to also use the recycle bins in public areas, as this will encourage others to do the same if they see you and others recycling their waste. However, do make sure that you use the recycle bins appropriately and don’t just stick all of your items into one recycle bin, as they are separate depending on the type of product that you are recycling.

5. Save on fuel and emissions. Wherever possible, if you have to drive to take your recycled waste to a public recycle bin area try and drop your recycling whilst on your way somewhere rather than making a special trip. This will save any additional pollution from driving and will save you petrol. Better still, if the recycling area is not far then take a stroll up there!

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Lose Weight with Subliminal Messages

Lose Weight with Subliminal Messages
by: Greg Frost

Ever found yourself looking at the weighing scales and wishing you could lose weight? And yet, you scoff at diet pills and weight loss programs that have not worked for you. This is your conscious mind at work. Your conscious mind tells you that it is not possible to lose those pounds, and that subliminal CDs to lose weight are a hoax. However, this is not true.....

All your previous weight loss attempts have failed because your conscious mind has already decided that they will fail. Hence, subliminal CDs provide you with the key to losing weight, by bypassing the conscious mind that forms judgments and negative thoughts. The subconscious mind is uncritical, and accepts the opinions and ideas that you embed into it, helping to dispel these negative thoughts. With the help of subliminal CDs to inject positive affirmations into your subconscious mind, you will be able to lose weight now.

That is not to say that just by listening to a subliminal CD over and over you will lose weight! The magic behind subliminal CDs goes beyond that. The message that the CD sends out to your subconscious consists of a few different but simple principles which you will find yourself practicing slowly as you listen to the CD as per the instructions on the packaging. This is how it works.

1) Confidence

The subliminal CDs will give you the confidence in yourself to lose weight. By going straight to your subconscious, you are able to eliminate the root of the weight loss problem: your conscious mind. The conscious mind tells you that it is impossible and that you will never lose weight, and hence you never lose those pounds.

2) Eat Right, Exercise More

The subliminal CD will encourage you to exercise more, and eat right. You will find yourself more motivated to visit the gym, instead of merely thinking about it. In other words, the subliminal CD contains positive messages that help you transform your ideas into actions. You will feel your subconscious telling you to get busy and cut down on snacking, and to eat right. All these are knowledge that you already have, but just never put into practice!

3) Drink Water

It is important to drink a lot of water when you’re trying to lose weight. Water acts as a natural cleansing and detox routine, as it flushes out the toxics, fats and calories in your body. This is also a part of the magic of the subliminal CD, which encourages you to drink a healthy amount of water everyday.

Before you know it, you will find yourself avoiding snacks and unhealthy food as your body adjusts to take in only the amount of food that is necessary. This is not magic, it is simply the power of your subconscious mind being harnessed to overcome the negative thoughts that your conscious mind produces!

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