
7 Simple Rules For Staying Young... No Matter What Your Age Is

7 Simple Rules For Staying Young... No Matter What Your Age Is
by: Dax Moy
Why is it that so many people dread getting older?

I mean, what is it that causes sensible, mature, educated people to burst into tears or go thorough 'mid-life' crises at the very mention of their 40th birthday?

It's weird isn't it...

After all, getting older is a natural part of life. Inevitable in fact, because if we don't get older then it means we must be dead!

After working with thousands of people from all walks of life I can reveal this; it's not the actual calendar years that cause people stress and concern, it's what those years do to your body, your face, your appearance.

Not much of a revelation, I agree, but nonetheless it's true.

In fact, if it wasn't for the visible signs of aging that build up over the years, most people wouldn't give a damn about how many candles they have on their birthday cake at all.

The trouble is, we're all brainwashed from quite an early age about what it means to grow older.

We're told "you're not getting any younger y'know!" or "You really should be slowing down and taking it a bit easier at your age" or "You shouldn't expect to achieve as much as you did when you were younger".

What a load of rubbish!

Look, let's get something straight once and for all.

Despite what you've been told by doctors, physios and so-called fitness 'experts' over the years, you do not automatically enter into a downward spiral of performance and appearance as you age.

Physical degeneration is NOT an inevitable part of the aging process.

In fact, you can and SHOULD be able to not only maintain but also improve your physical abilities across the course of your lifetime. You CAN be fitter in your 40's, 50's, 60's and even 70's than you are in your 20's and 30's.

Don't believe me?

Just look at the likes of ultra distance runner and adventure racer Helen Klein. She took up jogging at age 55, progressed on to complete over 75 marathons and 100 ultra-distance marathons (these are races over 100 miles in length) during a career that went on well into her mid seventies.

What about Professor Art De Vany, author of 'Evolutionary Fitness'? At age 68 he rides mountain bikes and dirt bikes competitively (in open competition), trains rigorously on a daily basis and has an amazingly muscular and firm physique with only 8% bodyfat. He's 68!!

These aren't isolated cases, though sadly, they are quite rare...though they needn't be!

Any day of the week you could begin the process of building the better, fitter, faster, firmer, stronger, leaner you and start to benefit from the amazing energy and vitality that's available to you at every moment of your life, regardless of age.

But first, I need you to understand something.

These improvements do not come from some new fad fitness programme.

They don't come from Dr Whoojammywotsits latest diet.

They don't come from those fancy gizmo's, gadgets or wonder pills that you keep buying from all those late night infomercials.

They come from good, old fashioned, honest-to-goodness effort.

Quite simply, if you want to get your butt off, then you have to get off your butt!

There is no other way!

Now, I know that's not what you want to hear and that many of you reading this will probably stop at this point, but nevertheless, it's true. And what's more, you know its true.

So, what are you going to do about it?

If you're like most people, probably nothing. You'll sit there, read this article and decide that I'm either nuts (You're could be right) or that the cost of getting what you want is too high and requires too much effort to achieve.

If that's you then I must respectfully inform you that you are officially insane. After all, isn't one of the definitions of insanity 'repeatedly doing the same things yet expecting different results'?

For those of you who still have your mental faculties intact : ) and are willing to make the changes necessary to achieve a fantastic body (regardless of your age), here are a few pointers.

1.Engage in challenging exercise EVERY DAY- Look, 3 times a week just doesn't cut it when it comes to maintaining or improving your physical self.

The human body is a movement machine, so MOVE IT!... or lose it.

2.Use strength based exercises AT LEAST 3 times a week where you challenge the muscles and joints and load the bones.

With over 600 muscles in the human body it just doesn't make sense to train the way most people do by isolating different muscles and blasting them to death. Instead, use my 600 rule and try to find exercises that use as many muscles as you possibly can.

3. Drink fresh, clean water every day.

You need around a litre for every 50lbs of body weight in order to maintain a decent hydration level within the body. Less than this and your organs, your skin, your muscles and even your brain cease to operate effectively.

4. Avoid all processed food.

Another name for processed food is 'denatured' food. In other words, all of the nature has been removed from it in order to make it last longer on the shelves.

Do you really want to eat something without any 'nature' in it? Only you can decide that, but I tell you this; foods with colourings, flavourings and numbers instead of ingredients will more likely end your life early than extend it.

Opt instead for fresh produce ensuring that 80% of what you eat comes from fresh (ideally organic) sources.

5. Eat less.

People eat too much. Enough said!

6.Sleep more

The human body requires sleep of both great quality and quantity.

Getting 8 hours a night is a good start, but not enough. To truly benefit from your sleep, try to get your sleep patterns worked out so that you are asleep between the hours of 10pm and 2 am to make the most of your body's hormonal repair processes. The hours 2am to 6pm are important to countering stress.

In other words, all sleep is not the same. The timing is important too.

7. Relax more

Yep, I know I said to move more but I also want you to relax more too.

That doesn't mean watch more TV. Read a book, listen to music, take a massage or acupuncture, take more holidays, add variety to your weekends.

Studies show that people who are more aware of the need for a blanc between activity and constructive relaxation live longer, are less stressed and achieve more.

Well, there you go. My guide to looking and performing better as you age.

It may not be what you were expecting. In fact, many of you are probably thinking, 'yeah, but I know all that already, where's the new stuff?'

Sorry, not this time!

There's nothing faddy, or hi-tech about this approach.

It just works.

My challenge to you is to take everything I've just told you and use it for 30 days in its entirety. Don't skip a thing.

If you do, I GUARANTEE that no matter what your current age or physical condition is, you'll look, feel and perform better than you have in years.

You up for it?

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