
Achieving Your Weight Loss Goal

Achieving Your Weight Loss Goal
by: Mary Watson

Staying on target is one of the most difficult parts of dieting. This is especially difficult during the holidays and when there is a special occasion. How can you stay on target with your weight loss without missing parties and other events? There are ways to lose weight and still not deprive yourself of having fun....

Setting Short Term Goals

One of the first things you want to do in order to assure weight loss is set some short-term goals for yourself. That mans don’t focus on losing fifty pounds, but focus on losing something more realistic such as five pounds within the next two weeks. By setting more realistic goals for losing weight, there is less of a chance you will become frustrated and stop your dieting efforts. In order to stay on target, you must be able to see some accomplishments.

Have a Reward System

Another way to remain on target is to treat yourself when you meet your weight loss goals. That doesn’t mean you go out and have ice cream or another high calorie food, but treat yourself to something tangible like a new piece of jewellery, bottle of perfume, or extra time at the spa. These are things that allow you the opportunity to reach for goals but do not encourage eating in order to achieve them. Many of us have become used to using food as a reward because our parents did it to us as a way to encourage us to do well in school, go to bed on time, or behave as we should. This early conditioning is one of the easiest ways to gain weight and develop poor eating habits.

Eat Healthy Snacks

When you are attempting to lose weight, it’s important to learn to eat healthy snacks instead of sweets. That doesn’t mean you will never be able to eat ice cream or cake again, but if you develop the habit of choosing snacks such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, and other healthy snacks, you will seldom have a craving for those high calorie carbohydrates and sugars.

Instead of depriving yourself of the things you love, enjoy the occasional sweet in small amounts when you have reached or exceeded one of your weight loss goals. Anyone who has ever dieted can attest to the fact that derivation is not the way to stay on target with your weight loss. Knowing that if you lose ten pounds in a month you can enjoy a small dish of ice cream or a small slice or cake or pie gives you something to work toward. If that sounds contradictory to what I stated above that is because we are not talking about something you do all of the time. However, you do need to become accustomed to eating less sweets and more healthy snacks in order to lose weight and stay fit.

Enjoy Your Favourite Foods in Smaller Portions

Unless you eat a great deal of high calorie, high carbohydrate foods, there is no need to give up your favourite foods. The key is learning to eat smaller portions rather than depriving yourself of everything. Certainly for some people it may be necessary to completely eliminate some foods but if you are one of those people who are overweight because of eating too much, you need to cut your portions.

Many of us are pre-conditioned to think that we need to eat until we are stuffed. In order to remain healthy, we need only eat until we are satisfied. Taking longer to eat is one of the best ways to satisfy hunger without eating more than the body requires. Learning to eat less will put you on the track to permanent weight loss and help you stay on target while you are losing weight.

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