
Forget Dry Skin and Have a Queen's Face

Forget Dry Skin and Have a Queen's Face
by: Darren Brent

Our skin is the biggest organ and the most delicate also. It requires constant moisturizing, hydration and pores kept free from blockages, for you to have a radiant complexion. When we sweat, the built in toxins are released through our skin pores, thus keeping our skin clean and healthy.. ..

When you are young, the skin has inherent natural oils that it secretes to keep the skin healthy and supple. However, as we age, the skin gets drier and loses its ability to produce oils, so you need extra application of natural organic creams and lotions for intense moisturizing of the skin.

When the skin loses moisture, it becomes very dry and cracks appear or skin peels and becomes irritated. Usually, the fungi and microbial infections sets in damaged dry skin and later flares up. Dry skin not only does not look good but the accumulation of dead skin cells, need constant exfoliation. The best way to achieve normal, healthy skin is to have a regular skin care routine which will make you look attractive and have a flawless skin. As you age, the skin loses its moisture content very fast and signs o aging show up fast. It is beneficial to use good authentic organic skin care products, which will help you attain the proper PH balance in your skin.

Some home beauty tips are very effective when you have dry skin. Mash up a banana and add some honey and little milk to make a paste. You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil like sandal, rose or lavender to get the perfect fragrance. Apply this rejuvenating face mask and leave it on for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with warm water and apply pure almond oil or avocado oil as moisturizer. Repeat this process once a day for a fortnight and see the difference!

The best way to clean your dry/damaged skin is to use a mild soap and use extra moisturizers like pure oils for maximum benefits. Avoid any alcohol based skin care product as it tends to dry out the skin. Alkaline soaps and skin care lotions should be used. Drinking plenty of water every day and eating a balanced diet certainly helps you have an acne free, well nourished beautiful skin. Protect your skin from the harsh rays of the sun and use a soft, gentle sunscreen lotion when ever you go out. Follow the tips and you will see your dull, luster less dry facial skin transform into a supple, soft and beautiful complexioned young face.

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